Awww yisss! Everything* I wanted feature-wise from this tileset:
- Map declared in Multicolor SDF (lava is the base layer, everything else is boolean'd together)
- 4-corner Wang tiles extracted from TileSetter project (no, I didn't do those 96 tiles by hand) (package pending)
- Per-tile attributes in the "free" vec4 slot. Here - tile speed (also used for passability).
- A* path-finding with per-tile travel costs (the truck on the screenshot prefers flat terrain as ridges are slow to crawl).
* I have unused alternative biome tiles... to spice up the landscape 😏
Reading Wikipedia resulted in a slightly different path-finding algorithm than intended.
Behold: A-A-A-A-A*!
(At least it doesn't jump straight into lava.)
All the pieces so far:
- Dynamic tilemap.
- A minimap view synced to it (using 1px tile atlas for colors).
- Draggable viewport.
- Some animated sprites in world-space.
- Screen-space (yellow) and tile-space (blue) selection boxes.
- Status frames for sprites caught in selection.
- The window is still resizable (tilemap re-center appropriately and minimap sticks to its corner with a small padding).
> Meet 🔥𝛀 Deepmind's biblically-accurate open-ended AI
Toots as he pleases.