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drewfer boosted


@trayofbees QOTO doesnt silence any instance. But I can say that after seeing the way bofa is moderated that if any instance deserves a silence its bofa.

drewfer boosted

Thoughts about the fediverse 

It seems like instance admins should look at Postel's law when thinking about their social responsibilities as an admin.

If you want the fediverse to be an engaging and robust tool for the exchange of ideas you need to moderate users on your instance strictly by your code of conduct but accept pretty much anything save technical attacks and illegal content from other instances and let the local users moderate their own feeds.

drewfer boosted

@wilw You should come to we wouldn't ban you and everyone would love to have you here.

drewfer boosted

:fry: Not sure if this is my favorite Emoji, or just wanting to make a meme.

drewfer boosted

Some more nerdy emoji I just added to

:android: :ansible: :apache: :archlinux: :apple_inc: :calculator: :cc: :chrome: :computerfairies: :debian: :digitalocean: :docker: :doi: :edge: :fedora: :firefox: :gentoo: :gimp: :github: :gitlab: :golang: :googlescholar: :haskell: :kde: :kotlin: :librarian_hushing: :linux: :mac: :macos: :nye: :mario: :nginx: :oa: :orcid: :netbsd: :rainbowapple: :ruby: :rstats: :html5: :reddit: :safari:

...and many more I didnt list. Refresh your browser to see them.

drewfer boosted

Some programming specific emoji i just added to

:java: :javascript: :perl: :python: :rust: :gnu:

drewfer boosted

Ugh. Need coffee. I'm too old for this <5hrs of sleep business but Witcher 3 owns me.

@chest_bot give baby dragon to

Making a null modem cable. Party like it's 1993!

Not sure who put the @arxiv_cs bot on but I ❤️ you.

drewfer boosted

Presenting my weekend project : The Frontpage of Mastodon. A simple website to discover new content on mastodon. I simply archive all posts in the federiverse and rank them with the hackernews algorithm.

drewfer boosted

Gooood Monday ! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.

Today's is as follows: Imagine you discovered a way to master a single skill instantly. You know this will only work once. What skill would you choose to master?

I'd personally want to master Bushcraft survival.

Loading up the battle wagon to sit in as the bassist with Ardie Dean!

drewfer boosted

Teledildonics people: omfg when are you going to stop posting about #sfpenshow2018 pens who is even into that

Pen people: omfg why are you posting about "buttplugs" constantly who is even into that


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drewfer boosted

This may be a long-shot but any people out there have a good intro-level resource to the framework?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.