@Demosthenes @freemo thanks for saying it better than I was figuring out...
@freemo @Demosthenes sorry, responded in the wrong spot...
@freemo @Demosthenes Obama and Biden specifically, publicly, repeatedly called for an end to the violence and looting we're talking about, while Trump told his wing to stand by. So @Demosthenes I take it you're talking about how Trump's team would leverage such a "liberal violence" situation...
@freemo @Demosthenes The anti-police-killing-black-people-senselessly protests, and specifically the minority that turned violent, are the main instance of that which I can think of.
I say minority because there were tons of cities and small towns where no such violence occurred, despite protests. Then there were lots of cities where looting or property damage occurred, but we're certainly not talking about a war in those places..
@Demosthenes @freemo based on what? (actually interested, not challenging)
@freemo @Demosthenes we did see violence from the right several times these past few years.
I'll not disagree that folks got way out of hand in Philly...
@freemo @Demosthenes "I think it says a lot if the assumption is that if liberals loose an election they might get violent to the point of killing and starting a civil war"
There's the quote. If you aren't suggesting that liberals losing an election is the cause of violence you're worried about, then I think you aren't being careful with your rhetoric.
And that is probably a large part of what causes left/right misunderstandings in my opinion.
@Demosthenes @freemo Philly does that before a Superbowl.
@freemo @Demosthenes That's not because Trump was elected though. It's not because a liberal lost an election. Which is the specific irrational fear you're discussing.
@freemo @Demosthenes "you have no evidence to support those fears are at all unfounded and remain unanswered."
Except you know, like, the last 4 years when we haven't had violence due to an election result.
@Vollmer the "static site" philosophy in general is pretty awesome, and Hugo is a fantastic way to get there. The community is pretty friendly too, and responsive to the occasional bugs you can find while balancing on the edge of some deep, poorly documented part...
After MANY months of consideration, and many MORE hours of work, I've finally migrated my website from WordPress to Hugo!
I'm still playing with settings, themes, etc, but so far I'm pretty happy with it. What finally pushed me to make the change was the new DigitalOcean App Platform, which was a breeze to use.
Check it out! (Website link + blog post about the change below)
@kai no wisdom here... But keep seeking it. Sorry you're having trouble in each of these ways.
This is a tough time to change jobs.
@cincodenada @tripofmice haha, your instance was the only one running that I could find. Pretty neat... I've been slacking on posting more - it makes me want to get involved with improving the project though.
Goodreads has really stagnated and it's not a good social network.
Want to create a #Roku channel for personal use? It's surprisingly easy if you do it the hard way, and hard if you try to do it the easy way.
Wrong facts
@alexbuzzbee I was actually just thinking today about how it's one of my favorite batteries.
Wrong facts
@alexbuzzbee clearly it was discovered in the year 2032 and has somehow folded back upon time to get here now...
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything