Telegram is capable of handing over all messages in every group and regular one-to-one chat to authorities in France or any other country. A real private messaging app like Signal isn't capable of turning over your messages and media. Telegram/Discord aren't private platforms.
That's not a joke.
Half-Life 3 confirmed.
Suddenly almost 2 decades of memes are beginning to change color.
#digimon #music
Found a rare pearl!
2016, Brave Heart, #concert with Miyazaki Ayumi!
Followup #inkscape users:
@clairely_player_one suggested that a better cut operation would be to leave the extremities in place. @rickyx agreed.
What do you think? (see video, compare to previous video in )
I find this approach (leave the extremities in place) more intuitive @doctormo
I'm in two minds about my #inkscape raster shape builder tool being highlighted by Logos by Nick
Firstly he said it was revolutionary. And seems genuinely impressed
But didn't mention me by name as the creator. So I get no credit, or possible links from people who might follow by videos or join my Patreon. Is this impolite of him?
The comments are also a bit irritating as they claim "they" are working on cmyk and all the other stuff I work hard on. Who is this magical they? And can they code?
"A 500 km conveyor belt road from Tokyo to Osaka could help Japan slash transport emissions"
If you purchase a device with GrapheneOS, we strongly recommend booting it into recovery and wiping data before using it. Next, verify it's running genuine GrapheneOS:
Due to complete verified boot, wiping provides the same assurance as a fresh install.
I was rendering a project on #DavinciResolve, when I decided to raise the #CPU #scheduler from #schedutil to #performance.
Interesting how the #GPU utilization went up the exact moment I've done it, and remained high afterward!
CPU: threadripper 2950X, quad-channel DDR4 @3.6 Ghz
GPUs: nvidia 3060+3070
GPU affected: only the 3070.
Naming their 'Blockchain' games like 'UndeadBlocks' cause yeah..
I also play World of SQL and MongoDB Unlimited
I can't believe it:
A boy cheated his ex gf time ago and now he wants her back, but she said she won't forgive his cheating.
Then he begs to understand why cheated her: she was really ugly before and since she is very beautiful today, now she realizes what he did...
Damn that jerk... he shouldn't say such words 🤣🤣🤣🖕
GrapheneOS App Store now includes a mirror of Accrescent, which is a privacy and security focused alternative to the Play Store distributing developer builds of apps:
Accrescent comes from within the GrapheneOS community and we're collaborating together.
Accrescent is in alpha and isn't yet open to any developers uploading their apps. It will have a lot more apps available in the future. It will become a full alternative to Play Store permitting closed source apps too, but you'll be able to filter to show only open source apps.
🇯🇵Japan: For 10 consecutive weeks, COVID-19 infections have continued to increase.
🔹55,072 COVID infections for the week through July 14, up from 11,086 during the week through May 5.
#COVID19 #Japan #COVIDisNotOver @auscovid19
#SVG created with #Blender Grease Pencil and exported with leomoon-bezier2svg, after decimate it.
Use a mesh wire for stroke with SubD and #lineArt #modifier to get a real time Greasepencil stroke, then convert LineArt into a Bézier curve and decimate it around 0.1 to clean up it. #b3d #Blender #inkscape
🎬 🇮🇹 🔰 🇯🇵 👨💻
「INT54P46J (T) - 5w4 - und. AuDHD」 Italian guy that loves Computer Science, Technology, the Japanese Language, Star Trek, Stargate, Sci-Fi in general and animations; is a Libre Licenses “advocate”, YouTube/Twitch Streamer, loves Libre Open Source, hates Microsoft, sometime plays some game, sometime codes, likes Science, and obviously... music!
More about me at
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