@QOTO ... you probably are already aware of the fact that the certificate for https://video.qoto.org/ expired on Nov 1 2018 ... right?
Anything I need to know about?
@iLikeAltitude @QOTO @freemo Freemo has been dealing with some RL injury stuff, and needs to get the certificate updated. It's "On the list".
Thank you for letting us know, though. :)
He was also working on having peertube to authenticate against the mastodon instance, to have a single login using LDAP... I think that feature is about to be shipped with peertube, is that right?
@arteteco The big issue is doing the LDAP with **existing users**. I can very easily setup LDAP but we would all loose our accounts. I can also set it up without LDAP where each service requires a different username.
What is very hard is figuring out how to export the existing users and passwords from the database to an LDAP server to migrate seamlessly.
With that said i can just bring up the servers without LDAP till i figure it out but then I might be digging the hole deeper.
@arteteco Agreed, that seems like the best way to get it all without completely destroying the user accounts. I;ll look into LDAP today and if i can export the users successfully and automate the import into LDAP I'll make it official. You still interested in helping, I can set you up with some admin privilages and we can try to tackle it together