is Octopath Traveler worth it? Heard the story is supposedly very "safe and dull"

@igeljaeger Depends on what gets you excited in an RPG I suppose. It has some unique aspects that are nice. I am very judgemental about games as I very rarely find one I enjoy enough to bother finishing. With that said It was no better or worse than most RPGs out there right now IMO.

@freemo I suppose I should finish Ys VIII instead then. The combat is really fun. Not sure about its story yet though

@igeljaeger If you enjoyed Ys you might enjoy octopath traveler. Game mechanics are similarly complex (too simple for my tastes). Combat was fairly enjoyable I think for an RPG.

@freemo Im a sucker for action rpgs in general and dont care much for story if the gameplay is fun. Turnbased is another story though... the less the gameplay keeps me occupied the better the story has to be to create a balance of interest that keeps me coming back

@igeljaeger Well if you rely on story to enjoy turn based (im the opposite) then I'd have to say octopath isnt for you. The gameplay was nice for an RPG, but the story so far (I didnt finish it) seemed diluted across too many characters.

@freemo Thanks for your input! If youre the opposite, I assume youre not much of a fan of action rpgs like monster hunter?

@igeljaeger I have such a weird relationship with games im not sure how to answer that. I tend to prefer turn based so I can take a hit of the bowl at my leisure as i play, lol. I dont smoke every day, or play video games. But once or twice a month when i get the urge to play its also because I have the urge to smoke and relax.

With that said I can enjoy an action RPG too if its good enough. But since i so rarely find games i enjoy at all I dont often like any of them. The last game I really got into was decades ago, anarchy online. It played much like an action RPG as many MMO do.

@freemo I see... did you get jaded with games over time or was this always the case? I play games multiple times a week and try to finish as many as my fulltime job life allows

@igeljaeger A bit of both. I used to play a lot when i was a toddler and even young teen. So I guess over time. But im not sure I view older games as the paradigm of good game design either. Only a few old games keep bringing me back to play again (like Zelda series).

I think i just find games too easy usually. I did really like Dark Souls 3 and played it all the way through. Only reason though was because it was really challenging and even when i beat the game I still didnt feel like I mastered it.

For me games just lack the complexity i like. I have been writing my own game on and off. It will be extremely complex and difficult. I want it to have the skill level of chess where someone can play right away but take a life time to master.

@freemo Oh Im actually a big dark souls fan! The game youre developing reminded me of starcraft 2 for a second. Because playing the campaign is really easy but I always got crushed in online matches

@igeljaeger Screenshot of the game, ill post a map soon

@igeljaeger Most people are. For me I dont care about story, graphics, none of that. All that matters for me is game mechanics.


@freemo @mngrif well I dont care for graphics much either... if any are present. And like I said story only becomes relevant to me if the game has a lot of "down time" like turn based jrpgs for example.

@igeljaeger If graphics arent important to you then what would you say makes you a "modern" gamer?


@freemo @mngrif not enjoying text based games. My dad was my age when that stuff was still a common pc game

@igeljaeger Ahh so you do care about graphics at least a little :)

@freemo well yeah, I do need graphics to be "present" at least. I grew up with consoles

@igeljaeger Fair. Though pretty sure I can do ascii art and get about the resolution of an 8-bit graphics game still :)

@freemo that would heighten my interest by quite a bit :lul:
As shallow as that may sound

@igeljaeger Well if you consider the map view id say that already describes the game. The map is always displayed on the screen and updates in real time. The game uses Ncurses so it can dynamically update the map without scrolling text on the screen.

Not sure if that alone adds appeal to you (the game isnt ready to play anyway). But I'd say it at least gives it "graphics" on par with nethack

@igeljaeger This is something that has struck a nerve with me. I prefer racing games yet I see the same BS. Everyone dribbles over how good a game looks but we're still not at a point where every racing simulator has a day and night cycle, weather, comprehensive damage and flagging system, and has the ability to handle 30+ cars on top of that. GTR2 did all of that in 2006.

As for arcade racers it's the same kind of career structure but I want more games like Split/Second that put emphasis on the environment instead of just the cars. Nobody wants to take risks, not in films, games or TV. I'm tired of games doing the same things but with different skins.

@freemo @mngrif

Yup all games these days are clones with slight variations. :(

@mngrif @igeljaeger

@freemo I was part of the generation with Bizarre Creations and Black Rock Studio. Their respective publishers, Activision and Disney Interactive, shut them down because they didn't see the appeal.

Look where we are and what they're doing now. Utter garbage, and we need to be online 24/7 else it doesn't work (not that it does that well anyway).

@igeljaeger @mngrif
@thatbrickster @freemo @mngrif race sims are at the end of the day kinda like sports games in terms of appeal. And what can you really add other that "more realism" to something that just tries to be reality in videogame form?
@igeljaeger The fact games that try to reflect reality still lack features and rules from what they're replicating is horrific.

The problem I was highlighting was the choice. People play sims to be able to put things together that sound good but haven't happened yet. Such games still lack choice but will happily boast about how good they can tax your graphics card.

@freemo @mngrif
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