
Which gun should i get as my next gun?

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@steakwipe I already have a AR-15, its very enjoyable. Would be fun to get something else. The Ar-15 is a Nato5.56 (also .223 compatible) which is a nice caliber as a first gun for sure, but I want my next gun to be something unique, and a new caliber. The SPAS-12 is a shotgun, P90 has a much smaller caliber but holds a ton of bullets with a really cool design and look, and Desert Tech HPI is the biggest caliber rifle you can get the 0.50 BMG.. so all of these would be a lot of fun.

@freemo i am not a gun guy but i have fired an ar15 a few times

i vote spas12 just didnt choose it on the thing
@freemo as a gamer its an OG favorite of mine

i bet it pew pews super good dude

@freemo @steakwipe i have shooted a NATO 7,62 CETME rifle in a fire range and I didn't like it! Too much noise, and fear of hit anithing else than the silhouette. It had a big recoil, and hurts when shooting, especially in automatic mode. I didn't hit no one at all. Two 20 cartouche cartadridge!
But the most fearing experience was when i comnanded a 81 mm mortar piece squad. There were pretty big granades and those make a very loud noise and vibration when firing them.

@mikelga @freemo well thats a lot of words but it sure sounds fun

i dont know shit i just like guns sometimes

@steakwipe @freemo guns are necesary, for example for hunting. You can use for disuading people going into your home. But once in you have to make a decision... And those are not trivial words... Here, in Spain, we have it easy... Fire arms are not permitted, only hunting and sports guns...


Hjome invasion is just one among many situations where a gun may be useful to save lives.

If we really want to discuss guns within the context of self defence (and i stress the fact this is a small minority of its actual use in practice) then I'd say the top scenario to discuss is women who are at risk of physical assault and rape.

Women are at a disavantage when defending themselves against most men. Rape and abuse from ex partners or random men is a real concern for them. A gun can be one of the only ways for them to truly level the playing field and be safe if they are at-risk.


@freemo @mikelga man you guys are way smarter than me but i appreciate seein the chat ty for keepin my tag in here lol


One of the reason i really love the QOTO crows are conversations like this.

We seem to be a haven for people who can debate on otherwise volatile issues respectfully and to do so in a way that is insightful and chariable in both directions. Its a welcome respite from the drama we usually deal with in other social media settings on the internet.


@freemo @mikelga i can appreciate the hell out of that, its kinda how i operate in general

@freemo @steakwipe one of the things i like of the firearms world is the technology behind it. The refining of the fabrication techniques and engineering involved
Their evolution, technological competition that have developed not only civilian technology, even, ironically medical knowledge.
Some times i watch at this YouTube Channel:
I recommend you, if you like fire arms, specially historical and rare weapons.


Not everyone is going to enjoy shooting, then again not everyone enjoys cooking either. If you found the expiernce unejoyable then by all means, dont do it.

I usually find it fun and am more than happy to share the sport with other who might enjoy it.

Self-defense is really the last of my concerns, its unlikely it would ever come to that. But as a measure of last resort in self-defense it does have a place in that regard as well.


@freemo I'm about to get another Taurus Judge. Fun to shoot and a good defense arm.

@TheCzar My Ar-15 covers me on self defense already. P90 would likely do well for self defense also, hell so would the SPAS-12, but I dont need self defense, I have that. So Desert Tech would be nice, a 0.50 BMG would be fun as hell.


You should get one, it's the coolest handgun and give real gangsta vibe ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜

@Inditoot If i ever decide to get a handgun it will be on a short list of hand guns to consider.

I usually pick the caliber I want and then try to select the gun next. when it comes to handguns though I'm not sure how I'd reason through the caliber to be honest. Part of me would want a overpowered hand gun but in practice it might be self defeating.

@freemo Do you have to ask?

A look is all I need to know it's a real tool for skilled warriors.

One shot, one kill.

@freemo It's a famous Sniper rifle, and has great reputation, afaik.

I am that kind of guy, the lone wolf, think the stories of sniper actions are very interesting.

@design_RG I can see that. The guns I picked are not really for accuracy and wouldnt really suit a sniper. Its more the battleaxw or two handed swords of weapons :)

Chances are if i wanted as sniper style gun it would be a single shot.

@freemo Some sniper rifles are bolt-action, you don't need rapid reload -- but a quiet mechanism.

Single shot would be risky, reloading too slow.

This was posted as a pure, non practical suggestion, just a beautiful piece.

If I could get a personal arm, it would be something more practical, like a medium sized Sig Sauer 9mm pistol. Found one in PA during a bike trip and loved it -- would be a nice one to pack on tour. :)

like this one :

Fit my hands perfectly, the Beretta 9 I had many years ago was just too bulky.

@design_RG Well I doubt id ever use a sniper rifle to actually snipe people.. just as I dont think I'd user a Desert Tech to take down a plane or tank.

In my mind the point of a sniper rifle is mostly the fun and sport of markesmanship, hitting a target at distance. The reason for bolt action is generally less recoil and more accuracy.

The Desert Tech I'd use to put craters in chunks of metal and well, because things go boom is fun :)

@design_RG @freemo This guy! I don't know too much about him, but his record seems really cool

@freemo please! do not buy guns, they only serve for killing people!!!

@mikelga That doesnt seem even remotely accurate. I have used guns thousands of times, each of those times they served a purpose that clearly didnt involve killing anyone.

Sounds like pure rhetoric to me.

@freemo you seem good people! I must treat you with respect, now that I know they have weapons! ๐Ÿ˜‚

@mikelga LOL I doubt I would ever have cause to use it against a human :)

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