
For some reason during this exodus, at least as far as QOTO is concerned, I've noticed a very large portion of people coming in are women scientists. Sadly women seem to be a minority representation in STEM, so seeing this makes me happy as I think women bring a lot to STEM communities.

That said, I am left curious why... what about this exodus has more women in STEM migrating than usual.. Is musk in some way seen as more abrasive to women than he is to men?

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@freemo the environment on Twitter is def more toxic towards women!

@jeremysayz Perhaps that is it. Though from what I'm seeing/hearing this seems to be unique to STEM... other instances are seeing a more even break down between men and women.

@freemo … now I wanna geek out over data. Someone got stats to share on this? 😁

@jeremysayz I dont have stats on the QOTO side of that, just what I've noticed casually,

@freemo numbers or it didn’t happen. 😁 (actually, I bet with this open system, we COULD get numbers!)

@jeremysayz @freemo I did find Twitter to be oddly hostile. A lot of weird comments on appearance, a lot of weird creepy dms. I am very new to mastodon but I hope it is better here.

@Britt @freemo it’ll be interesting to see how the federated moderating works. :/

@jeremysayz @freemo in a way, I feel like a lot of bullying and harassment happens on twitter in clusters/cliques... social circles that stick together. So maybe it'll not be much different, except for the fact that there's actual moderation here.

@freemo For me, I joined the blue bird to keep up to date on local news events that mainstream media ignores (Portland protest, BLM, hurricaine recovery, etc). I also follow a ton of people who stay current on SARS-CoV2 so I can stay informed without doing any real work. (I call it intelligent laziness!). Since the muskrat is in charge, I know I may lose access to that huge list of people I follow.

Coming here, I saw lots of foreign servers in the list, many that were invitation only, and when I found one that was open and pro-fact-based science? I set up an account.

The muskrat is part of the dude-bro club. White, spoiled, entitled. He thinks he is the center of the universe. I blocked his account as soon as he took over, but AOC lives in his head rent-free. All she has to do is raise an eyebrow at him and he has a meltdown. He can't handle competent women challenging his delusions of grandeur.

As far as why more women are migrating? Minorities are more in tune to the changing winds. I'm certain that any person of color can read a room faster than I can; it has been necessary for their survival and mental health. White women like me have only had to deal with the white dude-brows. But every woman on the planet has experience with Creepy Dudes. We have no time or patience for it.

I'm still on blue bird for now, but unless the rat turns things around fast, it isn't going to be worth my time. I'll stick around to watch the show, but for information, I'm scrambling to build a list of people to follow here so I am informed.

@freemo Hi! I'm not a scientist, per se, but an infra software engineer. EM is just trash. He's making some pretty dumb, destructive decisions about the bird site.

@dyedgrey @freemo If Musk drives people onto mastodon, that’s a good thing. A distributed -OG style medium is much healthier than all the endless realsoandso broadcast BS.

@freemo I think jerks are generally abrasive to women.

@freemo it feels like for a lot of minorities the musk take over was just the last straw, especially considering how he seems to actively want the bird app to become a cesspool. Plus qoto’s description does give the vibe that it’s made of more accepting people, which is why I joined

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.