I woukd be a tad bit kore delicate about the wording:
"I think eating strawberry jce cream is wrong so i dont eat it, but other people shoukd be allowed to choose for themselves what they do as lobg as they dobt make me eat strawberry ice cream"
Thats fine.
"I think other people shoukd only be allowed to eat the kibd of ice cream i approve of because me and my faith based opinion says so and everyone shoukd be beholden to my faith based opinions, not just me"
Well thats wrong.
>'"I think eating strawberry jce cream is wrong so i dont eat it, but other people shoukd be allowed to choose for themselves what they do as lobg as they dobt make me eat strawberry ice cream"
Thats fine.'
It's fine as long as the ice cream isn't produced by enslaving someone, forcing them to produce it, and having their babies taken away and slaughtered to make veal.
@admitsWrongIfProven @farooqkz @BobKerns @tonic