
So despite being in charge and ultimately the guy who decided to get my entire company using JIRA I must admit... I hate it... As with many GUIs just way too much clicking and waiting and im too impatient.

Anyway, so I decided to install jira-cli ( ) and I cant tell you how much nicer this is, certainly improves my stress levels...

If anyone is curious this is what a full workflow from ticket creation to completion looks like for me. Keep in mind if you are on a JIRA instance that isnt customized you can probably get by with fewer steps.

> myjira issue create -pSYS -tTask -s"Configure jira cli w/ aliases" -b"Add to nixos config and create some helper scripts for commands" -yHigh
> myjira issue move SYS-125 Accept
> myjira sprint list -pSYS
> myjira sprint add 65 SYS-125 -pSYS
> myjira issue edit SYS-125 --custom story-points=2 --no-input
> myjira issue assign SYS-125 ""
> myjira issue move SYS-125 "Start Work"
> myjira issue worklog add SYS-125 2h --comment "Started reading up on the subject" --no-input
> myjira issue move SYS-125 "Ready for Review" --comment "Successfully printed from lab office's printer using shmuels computer"
> myjira issue move SYS-125 "Accepted" --comment "Shmuel confirmed it is working for him now"

@freemo There's the learning curve with cli, but AFTER I learn it I *DO* prefer it. I do have satisfaction with going CLI on my headless server. :)

@Romaq yea though i find since cheatsheets are just text you copy and paste that learning curve is easily managed

@freemo @Romaq

cli works well for people who think like programmers.

GUIs work well for people who lack object permanence.

@Pat Interesting idea, but I disagree... cli works well for people who bother to spend even 2 seconds reading instructions... GUI is for people who are intellectually lazy :)


>"Interesting idea, but I disagree… CLI works well for people who bother to spend even 2 seconds reading instructions… GUI is for people who are intellectually lazy :)"

I guess I should have put an emoji on my comment -- the part about "people who lack object permanence" was a joke. Only babies and some animals lack object permanence (or people with rare cognitive disabilities).

The market proves you wrong on GUIs. The first computers to reach a wide audience were the IBM PC, Apple II, TRS-80 and a few others. They were all CLI. Then Xerox PARC developed the mouse and visual interfaces and Apple took that new tech, improved on it, and made the MacIntosh. I'm not sure how old you are, but in 1984 Apple ran a big SuperBowl ad for the release of the MacIntosh and its new GUI technology, and they had a bunch of other ads comparing CLI to GUI and how much easier it is to use GUI.

After they grabbed a huge chunk of the market, Microsoft developed and released Windows to counter Apple's GUI. The reason why GUI was so successful is because people preferred it and because it's easier.

I originally learned to use and program computers before there were any GUIs, so it's easy for me, but I still use GUI for a lot of things. I'm using a GUI right now to write and publish this toot.

When was the last time you used Links as your web browser?

CLI requires the user to remember more stuff, or to take additional steps (like a help option of a command) to find stuff they don't remember.

I don’t think it is lazy to prefer a product that is easier to use. When I’m not writing software and I want to exercise my brain, I’d rather do that on something more productive than to remember a bunch command options that the computer can remember for me and present as visual choices. For example, I use ffmpeg to make minor edits to videos, but if I need to do anything more than that I’ll use a GUI editor because the command options get to unwieldy.

I don’t think you should call people who prefer GUIs intellectually lazy. Their brains are just different than yours, that’s all.


Here's a video compilation of Apple ads from 1981->

The ads I'm talking about begin at about 11:00,

In particular, here's an ad that "proves" GUI is better than CLI for average workers. (joke)

and one of my favorites:

and the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC ads...

@freemo Yeah, I recall seeing cookbooks for sed, regexp. Hell yeah, I keep cheat sheets for other things. And once you are in the ecosystem, it gets way easier!

@Romaq Absolutely, just a few cheat sheets to start out, the occasional read and your good to go.

@freemo Absolutely. I'd rather use CLI for managing the Minecraft server, but I don't want to think about using CLI for playing the game. 😉 I do lean on YouTube as a cookbook for various structures I want to create. Hard to remember so much detail. And then there's Dwarf Fortress...

@nat Ju8st from my past expiernce it was the most feature rich, so i went with it. It is kinda the standard in most workplaces

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