
As someone who leans liberal i am constantly depressed from the toxicity of the left making it impossible to have productive and fruitful conversations... they have been so abusive to anyone who isnt on the most extreme left end of the spectrum that everyone has been pushed away to the extreme right.

There is no healthy community left for constructive conversation or criticism on either end.

Inb4: no the republicans arent innocent in this, but lets worry about us.

I'm a left liberal non extremis on the political compass and feel completely without a political party to call home. It's almost like they think "oh, you can't have a party, you're just the stereotypical floating voter" but that's not true. I need an anchor, a cause, a call to action, I need fucking agency!! I cannot trot to any poll to ballot for authority, liberty, society, or nation, until they understand this.


I can relate to this, though i am more comfortable as a loner i suspect

@swagpussc @freemo what would be wrong with the Scottish National party in your case?

Their terrible record of governance at local and national level, mostly. I vote for SNP MP Chris Stevens and MSP Humza Yousaf in my local elections but only as a vote for Scottish Independence from the United Kingdom, just as I was raised to "Vote Sinn Fein when things are okay, SDLP when they're not" back home in Occupied Ulster.

@freemo I'm glad in my "province" we have the parti Québécois, which is a true center left party which want to make Quebec a country, and doesn't go into the cancel culture and completely rejects race politics.
This is unlike the CAQ which is right wing or QS which is leftist but try to call their opponents racist.

@louiscouture honestly it seems most nonamerican speaking countries have a much nicer representation of moderates.

@freemo yeah the identity-lefty movement that's kind of picking up steam in the last decade or so does not tolerate dissent.

The thinking is roughly: everything anyone does is about identity oppression, so if you disagree with me about anything, you must therefore be an oppressor, i.e. a Nazi. Punch Nazis.

There is no room for nuance.

They have a huge presence on the main Mastodon instances.

I appreciate the enthusiasm, but it really makes it weird when you're debating something banal like minimum wage.

On the Right ...I feel your pain.

I'm reminded of the reactions I get when I try telling Trump supporters that border controls are a type of lockdown.

@jhertzli trump supporters arent any better, but since i lean left i really dont feel quite as bad when they throw a tantrum, no real loss.

@freemo Libertarian views here, big government and the incestual cocktail parties of both sides prevent any meaningful changes taking hold. They morph societal rules into an unwinnable game. The Left is The Right and we are all living in their constructed reality and fighting the fights they want us to fight.

Divide and Conquer, so much for E Publis Unum.

@mzan Or COVID 19 and the culture of fear that manipulated the public while elected officials bought stocks.

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