@freemo That's why I've enabled the 'click CTRL to have your mouse pointer give some visual clue' in Windows. Man..

@sergeant @freemo I'm a gamer, still most convenient on windows. Plus my job. :P


I have yet to find a windows game I couldnt play on linux... and more often than not they play better on linux than on windows... there are some exceptions of course but they are getting fewer every day.


I was a pretty hardcore Linux user for 6 or seven years. I pretty much defaulted back to Mac and Windows lately, though. (“Lately” being the last 8 years or so.)

One of the reasons I haven’t used Linux is that I do like to play games from time to time, and there was very little for that platform. Are you saying that you can run most gaming libraries under wine now?!?
@trinsec @sergeant

@IAmErik @trinsec @sergeant

Yes most games run well on linux now, its a fork of wine called proton and steam comes with it fully integrated. So you can play most games on linux now with very little fuss.

@freemo @IAmErik @sergeant Not quite ‘most’ yet, but it’s getting pushed hard. You can check per game what the status is. There’s fair amount of ‘Verified’ games for the Steam Deck, those you can usually count on supporting Linux. (Some ‘verified’ seem to be sketchy though, but majority should be fine)
At least ‘verified’ is in the thousands now.

Thank you both for sharing that. That is good news, and bad news. Good news because as a software engineer, I really do prefer Linux for a programming environment. Bad news because now I’m going to have to reconfigure at least one of my laptops. πŸ™‚
@freemo @sergeant


@IAmErik @trinsec @sergeant

I think youll find it is very capable in the gaming world. Let us k ow.

Only place you may have some troubke is with mmorpg, but with the latest anticheat update most of those support linux too now.

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