Data : Would you choose one life over one thousand, sir?

Picard : I refuse to let arithmetic decide questions like that.

-- Star Trek (I think TNG)



THAT is well written! And, in my view, the correct answer.


@freemo @Romaq I am confused, what is the answer? The toot did not answer mine, so my answer is not what it applauded. The arithmetic thing is not an actual answer. What are you saying?

@admitsWrongIfProven @Romaq

The answer would need the context of what was happening in the episode. I gave you a link to the synopsis of the episode. Once you read it we can discuss what the answer might be in that scenario if you'd like.

@freemo @Romaq Choosing not to read, sorry. More in social interaction mode now. Explain your purpose or be dismissed. I am Locutus of lazy.


Hahah my purpose was to exemplify the fact that morality, especially in the face of people dying, cant be reduce to a set of rules (no matter how complex)... It is a subtle matter with no real objective answers.


@freemo @Romaq The answer is that it is complicated. If someone is trying to be social, it is good and a mistake is to be excused. If someone is not trying, it is bad.

Hard to hold those apart, since those not trying will not admit it until they have so much power that they can dismiss any consequence.

The fact is that there are people that accept any cost to achieve any goal, no matter how small. We are just too divided to counter it, as we are not such maniacs. We will perish because we are too nice.

But fret not, they will also die. It will be a nice wrap, may the next try work out better.


Im not so sure there are is some evil few in charge against a mass of divded people...

I think most of the evil in the world is carried out as a collective will... the "leaders" just emerge from that tendency.

We are all, each of ius a small part of the evil boogie man and if we want to start fixing the problems we have to look at the small-time individuals and not the leaders.


@freemo @Romaq So you are saying if the ecosystem collapses, if everything is going to shit...

This is not some systemic aberration of humans trying to live like in the stone age, failing to adapt, it is for their conscious will?

I very much think we are all just stupid, but if you see humanity as the central evil, who am i to say no.

It's kind of a philosophical question. Are we unable to advance, or are we held back by some trait that gave emergence to something that is meta and held us back? Are we the problem, or just the cause of the problem?


The end goal may not be their conscious will, but the steps to get there are. How many people are running their AC, leaving their lights on, throwing trash out their window... billions. Not because they want to die a horrible death, but because they want to be comfortable now and dont care if it fucks everyone over to do it.


@freemo @Romaq And yet, the rich are causing more damage as far as i know... it's not that much of a stretch, if you have all the money, you can fuck shit up. When was my last choice about taking a private jet to my destination?

What about another yacht for my yacht, that i reach with my private jet? Do you think i fucked up the environment by buying another plastic bottle of milk instead of a glass bottle of hemp milk (which does not exist, not by my choice)?

So tell me, is the end consumer the baddie? By not flogging the producer into doing it right?

Get it right, power to decide equals responsibility. I have a lot of wishes, but no power. I could shout and scream, but not make tetra packs go away.

@admitsWrongIfProven @Romaq

The rich are just as careless as the non-rich.. they have more money so individually they do more harm (just as the good ones do more good), but there are also far far fewer of them. So collectively the few rich are probably doing the same harm as the many non-rich.

Moreover, the rich are only rich because we choose to make them rich. You can shop at a mom and pop store, or you can choose to shop at amazon. That on you... so the rich are the consequence of the middle class anyway, and the choices they make. So no matter how you slice it the point of "blame the rich" is a moot one.

To put some perspective on it... the non-rich engage in about 100,000 flights perday on commercial jets. The rich engage in 1.10th that, 10,000 flights a day. Their planes are also considerably smaller than commercial jets so in terms of harm is far far less than 1/10th... So collectively the non-rich (base on this one small metric) are doing maybe 100x the harm as the rich.

@freemo @Romaq Let it die.
Perfect would mean we would have to work for it, but the concept of work is perverted...

Hey americans, do you know what work means? Can you define it without fascist terms?


Work is when someone tells me to make him stuff, and if i do it they give me little IOU's that I am then allowed to use to buy back a portion of the things I just made for him. Those IOUs are even interchangable with other workers from other companies who get the same deal.



Do you actually think that was meant to be a non-sarcastic answer :)


@freemo @Romaq "we are all going to die" is a correct answer, but do we want to hear it?

@Romaq Not sure what you are saying here, i think freemo is enjoying this as much as i am. We are a happy couple surf riding into oblivion... right, @freemo ?


Oh, I was blocked by someone in a recent conversation including @freemo because I'm a trash person with nothing of merit to contribute.


Nah, I think it's just silly as hell to block people because they don't kiss the ring.




I think its weird to join one of the least-blocking instances in the fedi with the intent to block as many people as he can find... but, hey, whatever makes him happy. Blocking isnt a crime either.


@freemo @Romaq Not a crime... what triggers me is when someone manages to convince me they were sapient and then go all nazi. I'll just have to live with it - i'll be aggrevated and all if that happens. But i got you guys, and it will be alright.


We have this one freakin' moron flerf that makes a big deal out of Wernher Von Braun being involved in the Apollo Program. His best bud on Birdsite has "88" in his handle, and for a reason.


@Romaq @freemo Maybe he just wants his rocket rocked, because it does not take off as it should? Not everyone can be as capable as the Nazis...

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