Asking good people to make more good people, but not quite getting there... #Quote + My life aims explained...
#Quote from a measurably good person Doc Freemo
@freemo showing well what I mean:
"I agree that to really improve #society it requires one on one #care, #help, and #attention between people.
The only thing to keep in mind is QOTO, and the greater #nonprofit around it, has a mission that has always been very STEM oriented.
What you propose (@freeschool) is great, and if you ever do it ill be happy to support you in what little ways my bandwidth might allow.
But ultimately as a place with a #FOSS #STEM mission that is ultimately where our focus has and always will #lie.
I'm always happy for a chat when I can find the time, I appreciate your views."
(#Quote is with permission and used to show the many similar DM's I've made to many similar higher levels of intellect or those responsible for instances / tech or even a conscious soul *anywhere* on the #Fediverse.
Many can't even reply to these "bettering-people" parts of messages (Freemo is always good at replying) and even people answering are ironically not about the "not-just-machines?" parts - and only the parts they want.
I constant see measurably that have some decency and morals, and want for it - but not putting in the time. Even they are going for some very aims of bettering people according to their own sites or profile descriptions! But question why you even message them (not a good start / shows bad faith from beginning).
Below explains more why this quote is here and perhaps why life is not working in a longer sense of nobody solving it (Tech can be as the assistant while people do the people work but not expecting Tech to do the people work)....
...And a minor play on words for the word "lie" helps me start to explain things hopefully more memorably for any reader...
To help me explain the seemingly 'strange' phenomenon of making better people daily as a daily habit, I decided to added a hashtag on the the word #lie above (in the quote)...
Did you notice that?
...This #lie helps me start to explain that I think all the code / machines / external #tech in the world is really becoming an increasing #lie to people and measurably so as results - directly and indirectly...
And even if people can also "lie" or choose to be bad, people can't do it so often if they themselves don't believe in it . AND THAT IS CRUCIAL.
With tech you can do a lot more or a lot quicker or lie about it differently as a cover for many more reasons.
I can plug your code into other things and even run it all day and the tech doesn't know the difference - becoming a horror of code eventually (even if it's great now) like a horror of the #Transformers cartoon series as too many transformers have been added together and didn't know when to do more quality code and are lop-sided code production became #human #dysfunction (forgive a bit of poetic license).
It was always going to be human #destiny from over-doing machine code even without those putting it together deliberately in their own order as another weapon. We see from #history enough that we had lots of chances in life for not using things for bad or solving other things, but we have to assume all tech is going to be used for same bad eventually and in many more ways. The wars definitely didn't stop and computers are largely part of that and human ignorance.
So while I'm not saying "don't create anything" and not saying that "bad people will never exist after this". still it's better people, practice and do more regularly the examples we wish to see which means less of this abuse, or more checks, and limits it to individuals who even if they are bad have much harder work for them to maintain that bad which things like Tech helps them to do easier and even hide behind.
Can I rest my case or do you disagree totally what need more time? (people or tech)
That's why Tech can be MUCH more of a lie than people lying to each other.
Because #Technology has nearer-0 ability to #care and no matter how much you tell #hammers (or hammers of code) not to be used badly on others someone else can insert it to do bad.
'Bad' also in another sense that depends on two people or people in the room respecting those personalities and souls of the people not just a rigid "standard" set of rules even of a moral kind because there are 100 ways people can do things and achieve same result still good for everyone. Binary fascism or just inaccuracy from listing all of attributes / we're not just a number or 1 category of people as "White" etc etc...
Tech is not good at customising in these ways or that between people (tech becomes the incorrect focus instead)..
Humans learn from Humans... and adapt too...
People have some ability to feel / see what's happening and learn to care... so once people play that game a bit more (even in business) then I'm sure more will care and share more often too and start to accept change of priority (people over profit sometimes) because it makes sense for them (and not needing to screw everyone all the time)..
In the non-physical or non-hardware sense the modern day #warfare continues as #war on people today (it didn't stop since WW2) as the virtualised #economics and #politics (stuff from distance used to cheat people for #money / #profit) so it only makes sense for us to slowly align back to ourselves / teach ourselves better politics between us... so we don't end up with the same leaders or snakes and equivalent #economic #hammers such as:
Linux adfarms
Mastodon google links
You see adfarms or google youtube links also serve them from us.
I asking @Gargron years back to make some posts even unofficially / personally to say 'you can also use... (anti links below) or instead of direct links on Fediverse we use @invidious links as just a suggestion to millions of users (Invidious was working for years but recently down) Following what seems we all came to Fediverse for avoiding (feeding the bad guy / bad tech).
Not showing google adverts indirectly or by proxy is just 1 half.
The other half is helping people use open source Invidious which didn't seem a priority for #Gargron even as a mention (not just future betterment of Mastodon as a potential feature or plugin) for his or #Fediverse users (which OK it's not all on him but he seems more against it a bit which was strange).
A lot of it good things overlaps (or naturally do) which is why we're here, but more on that in another post and just an example - not hating).
People can learn and see better IF WE WORK ON IT.. and see who doesn't want too. Tech is all so covered. You'd trust TechIncX but not trust me.
People told me to install Ubuntu / #Debian etc but TO START it took a nice person to do a walk-through to help me start.
People are not always "lame" or dumb... it's motivation + human brain(s) needing to do computer work and co-operate to get things done (either for themselves
or the other and both
in the end).
THIS is all part of it (and not just leaving about leaving ISO somewhere on the web for people to download and stop at hurdle 1 or 2, or poor documentation).
THIS help (above) the best 'forever' work in my eyes which turns any I.T. or operating system into more human-used and co-created work (measurably).
People "hands-down" need people much more than more tech. So in this case you get more installs and win against your opposition purely because you took the time with people. You find a lot more other things at the same time (bugs, places of improvement, beginner's opinions, expert advice in other fields etc)
The best "slowly-but-surely" work is work with people more often rather than 100 more tech #Rugpulls and mini-Google's destined to be eaten / bought up by Google or similar.
No matter how non-profit you or QOTO intends to be (all is still profit in some way) the state is not stupid to make fair containers or keep things fair / not pulling the plug somewhere / unruggable.
The million stories daily from all companies or state itself (that we are still learning) we need to step out of completely sometimes and see further that as entities people themselves (*the individual* container) holds better their own values in themselves than tech as main reason and with others too this formidable in a different way.
Risk of deception is always there but more often clearer in people over time rather than a general tech extension replaced by another head of snakes always leaving people quite empty in their wake and us having no choice over it. Sorry for the #USPol vibes but all crosses everything.
Even on individual level, doesn't life seem too empty or over-reliant on Tech?
Isn't it like we have to have something switched on draining energy?
People who played Super Nintendo or PlayStation in younger years (or still now) know that Linux PlayStation can be the same when you power down, empty and alone (again). Just passing time into yes a seeminglt 'perfect' 'logical' machine.
But people are possibly in worse position if not improving others in any deeper sense and create themselves or others as "just another user" or another "crazy genius tired broken down admin"
(like #GrapheneOS developer maybe who is making the best thing since mobile operating system but so terrible as person or in people skills).
People are measurable and repairable and we can be accountable without needing to punish, but hardly without more deliberate time given or as we do things with that integrated.
What / who is behind the bigger pipe of tech is an increasing #lie very false provider / less true to people things as that root trust is changeable to some extent as things can be bought and sold.
Something that might work today later doesn't or is over-done too often. all while people are left almost helpless or not helped in the personal sense of enjoying and learning directly with people or frankly having a normal kind of regular "therapy of life" during our struggling time "repairing" ourselves as a therapy instead of thinking focusing on more code is the way or doing things many don't understand on a simpler level.
Co-creating life and being more exposed to more types of "strangers" helps us be friends with the work even with a bit more of a measured approach and making time for it.
Various scales of lying means it's either people not being genuine or people not understanding what's behind the tech (US storage space and traffic as basis for everything able to be switched off / snooped on / #Amazon #AWS #Google)
not to mention what your servers run on #datacentres (unless you're not outsourcing it and #DIY)...
...and then seeing that anyway... (away from the usual hate for companies):
... Simply heading for each other's fellowship and company, using tech as only a basic medium for maximising growing of each other, is much better way for incrementing trust and helping others do the same (while even some tech projects continue but hopefully more people orientated).
Because we have enough tech do we not? We can di whatever we want mostly (talk, text, call, video, audio etc)
Tech can't do much more for us now to make better people... Or can it?
Or do you think we need more to make good people suddenly?
Past more videos and more media. I personally need people who are failing me all over the place. Not really code other than very basic maintenance of the existing.
Only people can actually do the people work WITH other people... !... else they are left for dead / alone almost and with uncaring #state / #bank partnership penning them increasingly all the while (#fascism is instantly nearer than you think it is once things switch off).
Isn't it about people developing people, not just machines... ?
Fuck this was a good post. Right?
Keep it. Bookmark it. Happy to amend.
Better yet get in touch and let's work on #IT (better people...) more often or as higher primary focus than only FOSS or STEM.
( yes even at the same time as whatever you're doing as long as you're not all-in machines ).
People for the priority (and then everything else) to help people finding their place and even free work !
Attentions are largely on machines - and that's largely perfectly playing into those pumping it and scraping all the new 'useful' discoveries. We're losing that way.
Asking good people to make more good people, but not quite getting there... #Quote + My life aims explained...
@freemo @invidious Feel free to suggest any other images for this post that might suit it better or any opinion about the existing image if it does not say my post's message well enough...
and I'll change it on next revision...
Thanks again all.
I love a good quote. This one is new to me and i can think of a few quotes that for me are a bit more poetic and resonate more, but also would be farther off the mark in terms of your message. So not sure Id actively suggest any of them.
But if you want two quotes to consider:
First a real one:
"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." -- John Stuart Mill
And a common fake quote, everyone knows the phrase it is attributed to Edmund Burke but is really just a common phrase and not a quote:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
Offering money for a few people's thoughts (experiment) + points about your own relativity (optional 10 notes in reading)...
@freemo @invidious And for the quotes returned, yes good quotes
That's the TLDR.
Biggest thought / idea:
We pay people and employees to talk more about it all ?!! (seriously, more of a breakthrough idea than all the above!)
Could you offer some money for someone's 15min audio recording that we delete after taking text notes from?
The rest you can read as 1st lines of each arrow points or not at all:
1 experimental question
As a mini-idea you could ask me questions or topics that is important to you or your people, any problems or relationship issues in your life *just* to see if I could record some audio for myself and work on it or think how it would work as 'work'
(even if I don't record some sort of "demand" or "need" seems to help if not a 'freestyling' a kind of exploration.
This half-need could help me answer something for me or even others to answer it themselves - almost the QOTO acronym.
2... 3... etc below is more about the quotes and other stuff related to you personally having strong relativity but somehow not a practical way to output / merge somehow. But largely I see experimenting or sending me /random being good so it's not just me talking but you sending me from your needs / exploration / tests...
2 The picture in my post was indeed that same common phrase, as you said popularly attributed to Edmund Burke, but I modified it to be more specific as a daily thing people need to do or else in my eyes the bad work starts / other practices and irresponsibility grows more.
Maybe literally this is life now happening that same way in our analysis here I guess of your life somewhat. You agree, want for, but don't do one-to-one's / have a way yet to achieve the other things less FOSS / STEM (which I think it makes it stronger coming around the people circle again).
this seems to match theory strongly and achieve better everything / connectivity
3 Exploring people or Conflict could be my role too but too late and too serious perhaps.
Projects and people have conflicts all the time since a lot is largely based on feelings, misconceptions, motivations etc leading to collapse in the end.
Someone to listen, even say the wrong thing and decide "no this" without it being the wrong person to do it with (a stranger sometimes).
But still doing things before conflicts makes better sense as learning and easier prevention.
4 Not saying the opposites as you're doing incredibly bad but if FOSS, STEM work itself doesn't integrate or self-check others often, then <shrug> what kind of Freemo's and Musk's do we expect?
Eventually people acting with machines mostly end up in a kind of fascism or binary thing (as machines not people equations) even if they are not the cause or the centre of it - what's left without people? It's the inaction too of their personal beliefs common in all life today that adds or doesn't add up after work which many people find out after quitting and only stay to have 'colleagues'.
Another way to say it
Good is not good if becomes a passive or theoretical thing more that actual practice / spreading of it.
So even if not daily - once a week as a quick feedback session would be good. Work on differences / enjoy them.
If it wasn't for privacy and trust listening to people recording themselves online I would sift through an audio recorded via link (fairly private or non-public links) what do you think or this site?
Would be fun for me typing up any gems of feedback or points for others to help them develop things / themselves! (could be anonymous or otherwise). Main thing being a voice says it better.
If you had any audio notes or long sermons in the past I'd try typing them up and learning from them at the same time (have done if for a lot of YouTube videos)
5 So in my eyes the conclusion as a list for you seemed to be that even finding you as a "BEST CASE" SCENARIO + QOTO as a forum it's still strangely not enough;
even with your work,
the non-profit and
your own strong personal thoughts about society improving and supporting things
So all that alignment in your life - it's not enough yet somehow. I feel like I've found a popular human anomaly or algorithm which if I could figure out would unlock things in others and allow them to express / work on things in their own way too.
Right now, somehow... nothing shouts at us to try... other than text / voice recordings (I also have low ping or intermittent making even live audio not possible so do offline recording and send via )
6 When you said "if you ever do it" then you would support me?'s like "Yeah I am doing / trying / doing it daily with others!... and it's on your own QOTO pages !)... :)
It is a bit bizarre my dear fellow :) while accepting the end product isn't there other than people interacting on what they want...
I admit a bit of blind faith / fun and experimenting is needed unless we find that one thing to leverage from my time and will-power in these things / post.
7 You are also supporting me by reading this so all is far from lost... but practical small tests are harder sometimes - writing too much too easy.
Must be a good way of finding out a reasoned way if not personal text and audio recordings. Must be some way that's practical but not all in FOSS or STEM necessarily.
Just too many things seem to match that list for you, listed with lots of 's above.
8 The above is what I'm facing - though I'm giving space to us to finding and experimenting...
So let's see how that goes because this is me doing it now...
Not giving up. But not sure of the name or way yet other than 'improve society' via one-to-one's to help people grow and find others... and many of my CW titles posts that give inspiration or tail to follow.
9 Imagine people believe, see how it would work better, want for it, yet don't do it as a focus or somewhere along the way.
Perhaps too many dangers in trusting...
Communicationseems good (not always live) but talking about something or one's self or others using a 1 touch recorder maybe too dangerous. seems an all-in-one solution but I admit that needs trust tpp or something to prevent abuse.
I'd be happy for people to send me something - but perhaps needs a good reason or question to start it off and ping pong audio recordings between us (I can't do Matrix for a few reasons)...
Perhaps ask me a question or topic to talk related to people problems or relationship issues and I'll see theoretically about something.
Audio could even be one way messages (me only doing voice) and for people to listen to me whenever they want and not even reply! Lol... But that's what I have with text so who knows if that's much better!
Let it sit on it - unless any points above ring home even as a "yeah good point but not sure why we;re not doing more of this kind of stuff in society...."
Maybe money could be a legit entry point for people's time and opinions if not more willingly volunteered !)
We pay people and employees to talk more about it all ?!! (seriously, more of a breakthrough idea than all the above!)
I could filter feelings / transcript key points and then delete audio. It's interaction and some values tested from it at least.
Could you offer some money for someone's 15min audio recording that we delete after taking text notes from?
Ok that's good to know actually and quite a game changer...
1 Hmm... Wasn't as immediately obvious or as straight-forward as I thought.
And like you said people many have got the wrong idea and left
- so this is a game-changer for me... and may have been for others if they knew more real testing and your few stats mentioned approximately.
Good it was tested somewhat by you which I trust... and perhaps people have to accept pot of gold doesn't exist anywhere unless we create a hive of activity.
2 About "mainstream" the word ...
Mainstream (or one type of meaning of it) could be considered what's listed on -
...inferring (correctly in some way and not) that what people see there are the main servers and perhaps user numbers signing up _comes from_ that "main" supported list... (I've seen a few list but not the official or recommended - which I think would be great to have QOTO on as before to represent (that's how I found QOTO and like it's features)...
though QOTO still exists without
- not sure if it's clear to others.
3 I wonder how else people would find QOTO unless heard / referred / recommended or saw QOTO users boosted from other users to switch...
4 I'm adding #QOTO as hashtag here as it's really good to hear this anyway-
but this info could go in one FAQ post about blocking (without the gargron politics) or even something regular to counter this behaviour of leaving like regular reminder / FYI of things covered before saying how #blocking by others is actually not that big of a deal and how you've tested it etc.
Educate people as your work and rest happens itself (again I see this as the job of any server and to KEEP DOING as any instance's program). Going to due on my sword on that
If you copied and pasted it to your own pages you could be one link around where you talk about blocking there as related... instead of just Nazi's or Gargron stuff - just deflect / show it actually doesn't matter even if slightly would be slightly more signups on official website.
Maybe hashtag like #QOTOBlocking (guess this is there now) could prep and collect it and we can always revise the hashtag or your website.
I'm was more torn about this before you said that. I can also have more accounts too and link them... but your info was crucial in my perspective realising "all ways a futile unless you make it yourself since mostly #p2p ironically doesn't exist manually here or organised" and spreading *this* to others if ever mentioned about QOTO or spreading better ways between people (dare I say a movement!).
Without these kinds of talking about it, investing in / by users, people would hardly know and therefore get wrong ideas and be left to themselves (quite normal) which is costly to you and the aims of QOTO (which I would change it to something more ACTIVE and *attacking* in education) -
Now I'm the one more pestering / attacking you and others but as a reflection of existing things not always existing or others not doing much work here (1 way posting about tech) and in my realm the cross-pollinated reasons, sharing dreams and factors would be stronger and said in passing with FOSS and STEM and reasons like you've mentioned come out sooner.
Again peer to peer conversation needed in order to _build_ (your existing efforts with me AND somehow seeding or attaching more people to each other as we go like a mesh)
It would be called "retainment" also if I was your communications / HR officer or other some such title
3 For testing followers I would say comparing your account here to a normal account elsewhere might have some main factors that are not proportional like:
a) declaring your creator of QOTO instead of using random / less anonym name helps get followers... more anonymity les follower
(it's chicken and egg sometimes for usefulness and future privacy but for people like you name is everything and worth trust even though any doctors could be bad people - but I accept names and titles help others in their head and accept others without these more state / old ways of thinking
FreeSchool for example as a name I know is + / - but my work should work more than anything / people need to start to trust that more than state with time even though I could fake a name...
b) more developed profile - more history and posts might help people follow...
but great to know you tested it.
4 I still would like to use your own position in "power" or status to take risks on other users and QOTO behalf if not assign me someone else (like to trust me while not trusting me completely) and mutually get on with QOTO stronger / stretch arms and roots out...
5 But for now I wait and see if you have any points from the previous 10 in the post before (of which most are skippable or first lines indicate the contents of that point)
Good stuff again. Hope others see it
6 People reading this might realise:
it's never going to be active here or there UNLESS they / WE make it / do something along the lines I mention 1-to-1
Then 1-to-many happen and doubling / Albert Bartlett ...
and we collect all these great users with whatever online name as long as the work is good!
7 Podcast via notes whenever people feel still feelings like a good idea - maybe an edited roundup of anonymous people as podcast from one-way voice notes you or others send me and I mix up with my own sub-thoughts and see what people think (it gets people interested). But eh we'll see...
<--- freemo
Just one comment about (a) for my own purposes (and i encourage people to test this for themselves if they want) I have quite a few accounts that are intentionally anonymous specifically for this reason, as a data point to see how people respond to me vs my reputation. So ill leave all the other points to stand but I want to offer that that one at least is moot.
In the end, if your worried, go try a second account, see what the expiernce is and decide for yourself. The onlyt hing I advice against is people posting the same content to all their accounts, that will certainly get you blocked. But if you use different accounts for posting different topics that is usually well appreciated by the community and gives you a chance to try other servers.
I personally use one server because i dont have time for the others much. They were, as I said, experiments. I do maintain my ACM mastodon account though to show support.