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@gaymanifold I do mention that later - it's a by product of the devaluing of the humanities by far too many corners of STEM.

Europe has just experienced its warmest October on record, with temperatures nearly 2°C above the 1991-2020 reference period ♨️

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction

Discover more highlights on October temperatures, sea ice extent and hydrological variables:

@minimammoth @tinysapien I completely agree. In science we like to avoid the human that does the science. Whatever you write needs to be bland and cold. Journals gate keep this and pushes people to fit in.

@tinysapien oh my God my thoughts exactly. We optimize on "being scientific". I would however also say that we need to consider the art in making a poster/talk

@TheStrugglingScientists oh my goodness ❤️ this might be the most beautiful thing i've seen today

@kristinmbranson thanks for taking the time for your response. i love minutiae of people's work. i never knew that there were people trying to model how the head of a fly move. is it framed more in a biological way or more computational-sciency? like do you find it more interesting that flies move their heads in particular ways or that we can model this with deep learning?

@whynot yeah my first mute too and it keeps coming lol!

The person who's making the arxiv bots PLEASE STOP! You're polluting the local feed

@rajutomer it's kind of funny when there are tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars for research equipment, labs, supplies but when it comes to the pays of graduate students somehow there's no money

This is not sustainable. "‘Not even enough money for food’: graduate students face cash crunch"

@kristinmbranson I really would like to know what's going on in the plot

@quasifrodo what does a Markov analysis of molecular dynamics simulations look like? I know what Markov chains are and how (some) molecular dynamics simulations work.

I also really like how posting is called "toot". I like to free right as a form of intellectual diarrhea so it's only expected that a constrained version of that is called a toot.

I struggle with two conflicting ideals and this is probably in part because I've not been on social media since FB was a new thing. On the one hand I want to keep myself anonymous, on the other I want to share my experiences as a person and in particular as a person in science, my thoughts and critiques of scientific field etc.

The former ideal constraints the latter. There's always the thought in my head whether the aggregation of things I write here could be traced back to me. Frankly, the later ideal forces the former too in a sense. Among other things one reason I want to stay anonymous is to shield myself from backlash.

I'll see how I handle this conflict. Right now this thought is just out there.

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