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What are some "pop-science" books that deal with ? Or in general about socioeconomic theories

On Social Platforms & Professionalism 

I think we need to, culturally, seperate "professionalism" from "sanitized".

I work with a bunch of brilliant, competent, incredible people. And they are funny, and weird, and authentic. All the time.

But there's still a prevailing vision that "professionalism" is being "on". Is a mask you wear to show yourself as "adult". You hide the weird, you put on the suit, you shake hands, your jokes are designed for chuckles.

That's not professionalism to me. Professionalism is treating folks with respect and getting shit done. It's being honest and human.

De-brand yourself, be all of yourself, be your brilliant and weird and capable and ambitious self.

There's A LOT of discussion about content moderation right now and very little of it touches on the fact that we've all lived on the big social sites for the last decade-plus thanks to the massively exploitated labor of mostly-invisible moderation workers. The social web at scale wouldn't have happened without these laborers, who in addition to shit wages, have been exposed to literally every imaginable horror.

If we're remaking this world, let's do better on that front.

@Quatrus @robcayman it's sometimes useful to do an legitimacy of dominion test. For example I can exercise dominion over my small cousin by holding them so that they don't run across a busy street. I and most people would argue that this is a legitimate of my exercise of dominion over my cousin. If a state (or an entity) exercises dominion over people to prevent say racism. For example if it bans racially motivated animus then I'd say that's a legitimate exercise of dominion.

People rightly criticize Qatar for its labor rights issues, sexual minority issues, role of religion in Qatar's society etc but convenient forget to reflect on their own countries. While the magnitude of the problem can be different the same issues plague most countries.

One of the most important strategic policy decisions any city hall makes is passing a municipal budget. Hundreds of policy decisions are embedded in a #budget. What’s overfunded, what’s underfunded, what’s not funded at all.
You can find more truth in a city’s budget that in any vision statement or council-approved goal statement. Too many cities have budgets and visions that are completely inconsistent, or at best, not consistent enough.
#cityhall #cities #urbanism #citymakingmath

@CaryaMaharja the tragedy in all of this is that literature search engines seem to be dominated by private corporations

The choices facing the world at #COP27.

The planet has already warmed by around 1.2°C.

Current policies set us on track for around 3°C of warming.

Only making radically different choices will give the world a chance of not exceeding the 1.5 or 2°C limits of the Paris Agreement

#datenschutz #sicherheit #privatsphäre #microsoft
Kennt jemand eine einfache, kurze, anschaulicher Erklärung/Video um seinen Mitmenschen klarzumachen, wieso es aus Datenschutzgründen wichtig ist keine MS-Software (Teams, Office365) in Schulen zu verwenden? Meine Argumete verhallen, ich werde als Idiot oder Störenfried abgestempelt und bekomme reglm. zu hören: "Was soll an MS so schlimm sein? Welches Interesse sollte MS schon an Schülerdaten haben?
Vielleicht erkläre ich auch zu schlecht.

Remember how doesn't show your replies in your tweet feed?

In , you can differentiate between "Public" and "Unlisted". You can reply with the setting "Unlisted" if you don't want your replies to clutter your profile. E.g. courtesies like "you're welcome", or if the reply is only relevant in context of the thread.

To do that on the web client, click on the globe icon below the compose box, and choose "Unlist".

You can also change the default to "Unlist" or "Followers-only". To reach that setting: scroll down the right side bar, Preferences > Other > Posting defaults > Posting privacy.

Submitting a conference paper and there's 7 advisors and 5 student co-authors. The ratio feels crazy lol

The greatest to date is to convince people that it's a vs. fight and separate those factions of people. While the Republican Elite have gone very extremist, most of the concerns of their voters are caused by the top 1%. It's always been a fight between the oppressed poor and the oppresor rich. Anyway vote for the best today.

Tonight people vote for a capitalist in midterms. Running an election is an entire industry if you think about it. The two parties in US are really about being a better or worse capitalist. You want to provide things like universal healthcare and parental leaves etc. because the better the work force is satisfied with the rule of capitalism the more people will accept it as a vital alternative. This is the democratic party. The other is the bad capitalists I don't mean it in terms of morality but more they're bad at implementing capitalism. A workforce that's continually economically frustrated can cause big societal changes. Anyways let the better capitalist win.

@quasifrodo TAKE ALL THE JUSTIFICATION! *Especially* your students appreciate it! The amount of feedback I get from my students just about the fact that I talk to them like people in seminars, rather than talk AT them and how rare that is in their experience is just so terrifying! Students want to be engaged! So do other scientists!

@quasifrodo @tinysapien I do this in my talks too. It's one of my way of inserting human that made the science into science

@tinysapien we as in stem need to start self reflecting on what we're doing in a similar way that humanities do

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