@dalias @drcaberry and I don’t want to waste energy on server ideology. Seems like a lot of good folks are on mstdn.science.

@trinsec thanks. That’s very helpful. Mostly I’m trying to make sure I haven’t inadvertently put myself on some unreachable Mastodon island. Are there any metrics on how many (and WHICH) other instances block Qoto?

@dalias @drcaberry I wonder if there’s some hIsToRy there. I’ve already started the process to move to another server (based on where the majority of my science followers seem to be - to choose a simplistic heuristic)

Hey local Qoto.net folks: have you had issues with folks you know not being able to follow you? If this server is being blocked from other servers because of overly-permissive “I’m just debating” BS, I’m gonna jump ship and head to mstdn.science (maybe??)

I uploaded a few 'follow all' csv lists of journos and other notable Twitter users who've created Mastodon accounts so I could quickly build out a timeline of people posting useful and interesting info.


Some of those people just have automated crosspostings---links to their #twitter posts.

Big 'ol nope!

I'm currently manually unfollowing all of those people. Those posts feel like clutter. I'm here because I'm trying to get away from Twitter.

Let's try to *be here.*

@drcaberry @dalias testing. So do you see this and do you have the option to follow me? (I’m NOT in that category and will change servers if this one is not moderated enough)
I will say that I haven’t seen anything locally that resembles that kind of toxicity.

I would have missed this moment if my son had not shouted about the rainbow as we walked away. A fleeting moment nearly lost because I was looking in the wrong direction.

Ynys Seiriol and the Trwyn Du lighthouse perfectly framed by a rainbow which only lasted a few seconds.

#cymru #wales #ynysmôn #anglesey #ynysseiriol #lighthouse #goleudy #trwyndu #rainbow #enfys #sea #coast #landscape #landscapephotography #nature #clouds #nature #photography

@jbf1755 I worry for the people who really built communities that were essential support for themselves and will have difficulty moving or rebuilding.

My hope is that they will get help doing so and we learn the lesson that communities built on billionaires' properties will always be in danger. Looking to see if instances like blacktwitter.io and disabled.social can make a difference.

Read this. AI algorithms used by Facebook and Twitter are promoting conspiracy theories and whacko thinking. The feed algorithms try to promote content that makes users more engaged. Obviously they just want users to stay on the platform longer. The most "sticky" topic for new moms turns out to be anti-vaxer posts. The same is true for pizzagate, q-anon, and flat-earth cuckoos. It turns out the AI algorithms are selling crazy like its going out of style.


I’m begging the men here to resist the impulse that tells them women need federation or other technical details of open source disproportionally explained to them.

Turns out a lot of women know an awful lot about tech.

Cool paper from Merck chem bio team on chemoproteomic profiling to identify activity changes and functional inhibitors of DNA binding proteins. cell.com/cell-chemical-biology

@antiangie I was an insufficient host to him yesterday. We tried to dock and it… didn’t work.

Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, which has also reached capacity, is deploying floor nurses to the pediatric emergency department and will soon have children being treated by doctors who normally care for adults


I love you all very much ❤️ here’s a pic of Jean nobody has seen before. She says don’t worry, comrades

Biomanufacturing and Science Research 

I spent a very valuable hour tonight talking on the phone with a good friend in . Her research is in process development for fancy stuff. Her work is all very much "If we figure this out it will massively change the lives of millions of people someday! Unless it doesn't work and my research ends up as a footnote..."

BUT WAIT...most good is built on footnotes! Footnotes are actually the bones of the researchers who found out their ideas didn't work. They did it right, but they were wrong. Most science is TOTALLY the future. Right up until the moment it's NOT...

It's important to remember that none of the people in footnotes were failures.

Long ago I did frontier research and I know the rewards of that life. I also know the feeling of seeing data from the international community CRUSH YOU because your paradigm was proven false. That's life in science. No one figures anything out alone.

In contrast to my friend, my work is as a analyst in . My job is to make sure we make the known science work. We make it work EVERY TIME.

I'm results-focused because the comparatively mundane I help produce go in patients every day. Therapeutic like the ones that combat are a massive benefit to society. I didn't develop any of these therapies but I make sure no one dies because of a mistake at the factory.

So I don't push any boundaries as a scientist. I very much make sure to NEVER push boundaries. NEVER EVER. Pushing boundaries is a problem. I'm here to execute.

So all I can leave you with is this: Is science a series of questions, or a series of answers?

What do we really need more? I've always struggled with this. I still don't know.

If you're honest and remember reading Kuhn, you know science has never proven anything. But wow we've had some results.

Go out.
Never settle.
Demand results.

Free advice for people who aren't paid to watch cable news: Turn it off, log out, read a book or something, see where things are when you wake up in the morning. You aren't learning anything useful right now.

@anirban @prats also note you don’t need to be on those servers to see that content. Check for hashtags and you’ll find ur folks.

@susanlsmithoregon really has picked up in the last couple days! Finding lots of my birb folks here now, and lots of science folks I hadn’t met.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.