Luigi Mangione dijo en su manifiesto que la película SICKO, de Michael Moore, le había abierto los ojos.
Cuando le preguntaron a Michael Moore si condenaba el asesinato, su respuesta fue… poner SICKO en abierto gratis para todo el mundo.
A Manifesto Against For-Profit...
@davidrevoy I just discovered this one:
Very nice!
“The Ugly Truth About Spotify Is Finally Revealed”
> In other words, Spotify has gone to war against musicians and record labels.
Ayer un terrorista de extrema derecha mató a cinco personas, una de ellas un niño.
Vino a Europa de refugiado, y fue radicalizado por gentuza como Alex Jones o Elon Musk.
De ahí a la masacre sólo había un paso.
To all those editors putting the Tangerine Tyrant on their covers as Man of the Year... here's the real Person/Woman of the year....
Gisele Pelicot has been fearless & in forcing the trial of her attackers to be public has struck a blow for women, dragging abuse (in the family and beyond) out of the shadows.
This is who we should salute at year end not the American Monarch!
Oyendo ayer #carnecruda abogan por dar la batalla en X, no se dan cuenta de que es un campo de batalla amañado, espero que rectifiquen. Por ahora veo que tienen la cuenta Mastodon abandonada: @carnecrudaradio
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Ese ha sido el patrón que repite el Ministerio de Cultura de España, una y otra vez. Anuncios y promesas sobre la defensa de los derechos de autor frente a la IA generativa y luego de la foto de turno, aparecen proyectos como este. BASTA de promesas. Queremos HECHOS.
Arte es Ética, la Federación SEGAP y la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) RECHAZAMOS el PRD LCA para IA.
Elon Musk endorses German far right AfD party as ‘saviour’ of country
Fascist is as fascist does
I was a jailer for two years. Not proud of it, I needed the money.
One of the repeat offenders we had was an old man who was HIV positive. He went to jail several times while I was working there and always for the same thing. He would shoplift items from a store while in full view of a cop. This old man had a cane and could barely walk. There was no way he expected to get away with it.
After he was arrested we had to process him and the medical questions always led back to his HIV diagnosis. The state provided him with his HIV medication while he was awaiting trial where he always pleaded guilty. He was always released after serving less than 60 days pretrial. Upon release, he was given six months worth of his HIV medications (which he needed to survive) and he would shoplift again when he ran out of medication.
It would have been cheaper for the state to just give him the medications without him needing to be part of the criminal justice system first.
He was shoplifting so he could stay alive.
#Healthcare #luigimangione #denydefenddepose #Anticapitalism #EatTheRich
Max hace casting para su readaptación de Harry Potter como serie.
Dicen que quieren un “casting inclusivo y diverso”.
¿A qué personaje crees que retratarán como trans para blanquear a Rowling? (Boost si quieres que vote más gente)
Max hace casting para su readaptación de Harry Potter como serie.
Dicen que quieren un “casting inclusivo y diverso”.
¿A qué personaje crees que retratarán como trans para blanquear a Rowling? (Boost si quieres que vote más gente)
Me bajé del pájaro y me subí al mastodonte. Pasé de la #ciencia al desarrollo de software, sobre todo #web.
I got down from the bird and jumped onto the mastodon. Went from #science to software development, mostly #webdev.
No, you can't use my content to train your AI, nor use it in any other place at all. Copyright applies strictly. But you already know it, right?