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shitpost (birdsite corporate politics) 

Old Twitter: employees feel comfortable @-ing Jack on Twitter because they know Jack won't fire them.

New Twitter: employees feel comfortable @-ing Elon on Twitter because they don't care if Elon fires them.

Since a few of you asked for me to go into detail about why I am not a fan of Mastodon, the federation and decentralization, I wrote down my thoughts in longform.

Alright folk - my service which allows you to create and share follow lists that can then be imported on #mastodon is now online. It's an early version so be kind, but I'd love you to try it and create your own lists that you can then share with people:

FYI to all my Electronics people out there.

Did you know you can represent capacitance and inductance with a complex number and by doing so you would incorporate ESR (equivalent series resistance) into your equations. Essentially you dont have to model with idealized components and add in the parasitics manually, you can add the parasitics directly into the capacitance or inductance of your components!

See the following equation in my blog and the subsequent explanation if you want some further details and examples:

on the one hand i live under this cloud. on the other hand, with a little drive (or a longer hike) one can climb above it

The spike from the recent innflux of twitter users is so enourmous it has completely distorted the users graph. You cant evenn read the numbers any more and the daily user graph spiked past the total user graph.

Wow.. ok then.

QOTO User Count  
23,376 accounts +299 in the last day +4,838 in the last week

Let me introduce myself! My name is Ilenna Jones, I am a computational neuroscientist with keen interest on how dendrites contribute to a singular neuron's ability to compute functions and learn tasks. I build biophysical models of neurons in and use principles to investigate how models can learn and compute given their biologically realistic constraints.

I'm looking for postdocs right now! Feel free to connect if you're looking for someone like me!

I'm very interested in helping other students find resources and guidance as they consider science and in general. Feel free to connect if you're looking for advice/perspectives!

Impossible to predict the impact of US microchip sanctions on China's economy but Goldman Sachs base scenario assuming spillovers to vehicle manufacturing is for a 1.7% reduction in Chinese GDP by 2026 relative to a no sanctions scenario/a 0.4% drag on growth each year until then

@skanman Thanks for the advice. Do you know anything about jlcpcb or other PCB fabs? I am looking at some to try to print some test boards and am wondering if I should be looking out for anything.

I saw that it was Aaron Swartz’ 36th birthday, and looked back at what I wrote about his case, and his suicide, almost ten years ago.

It all holds up, but it’s kind of darkly amusing to figure out that when I was writing this about how well people mask their depression I was profoundly depressed and nobody knew. So, QED, I guess?

I have been meaning to learn PCB design for some time now. Does anyone know of good resources for or PCB design in general?

I have been meaning to learn PCB design for some time now. Does anyone know of good resources for or PCB design in general?

Hello! My name is Jonathan Joseph. I am an Electrical Engineering undergraduate at Michigan Technological University. My main interests are optics, photonics and computer simulation.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.