People who use proprietary software should be automatically diagnosed with mental retardation
@hasmis all the more reason to educate people~
Depends. A lot of it is better than the FOSS alternatives.
@amerika name one
@amerika i rest my case ah ah ah
Microsoft Office
People want stuff to rely on that just works and keeps working.
FOSS is driven by hobbyists who want to expand whatever area fascinates them, so it is inconsistent and sometimes random.
That is, in my view, the target audience. Most do not care how it works; they want something that does what they need without too much fiddling.
This is why they buy Windows/MacOS.
Yep, I am agreeing and adding a couple tidbits.
@amerika LibreOffice
Not up to snuff, I'm afraid.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 Ehw discord
@kreyren That's the whole world!