Diana Deutsch's musical illusions are on Bandcamp now: https://dianadeutsch.bandcamp.com/music #psychoacoustics
In this conference paper for #ForumAcousticum #FA2023 we replicate Ahumada's seminal experiment from 1975 on tone-in-noise perception using our own #OpenSource fastACI toolbox (https://github.com/aosses-tue/fastACI), and we analyze the data obtained by an artificial listener from the (also #OpenSource) Auditory Modeling Toolbox on the task. It's very satisfactory to have a network of interconnected toolboxes working together... And of course all analyses can be reproduced easily using the commands listed in the article. You can even run the experiment on yourself to replicate Ahumada's original results! #replication #OpenCode #Auditory #Psychoacoustics
New blogpost: what to do about Discussion sections of papers, which are often an excuse for overhyped and p-hacked conclusions.
New release! 💻 the TMST toolbox v2.0 includes a modulation scalogram function and a step-by-step demonstration of the main features. https://github.com/LeoVarnet/TMST/blob/main/README.md#example-walkthrough #matlab #SpeechPerception #SpeechProduction #SpeechProcessing @psycholinguistics
Bon on sent bien que Vertigo n'avait pas encore été réalisé à l'époque où #MerleauPonty a rédigé ce texte... #mastofilm #cinemastodon
Une réflexion intéressante de #MerleauPonty dans "Sens et non-sens" : la #littérature s'apparente à la psychanalyse en ce qu'elle décrit (le plus souvent) la subjectivité des personnage "de l'intérieur". Au contraire, le #cinema se rapproche plutôt de la démarche #behavioriste. "Si le cinéma veut nous montrer un personnage qui a le vertige, il ne devra pas essayer de rendre le paysage intérieur du vertige, comme Daquin dans Premier de Cordée et Malraux dans Sierra de Terruel ont voulu le faire. Nous sentirons beaucoup mieux le vertige en le voyant de l’extérieur, en contemplant ce corps déséquilibré qui se tord sur un rocher, ou cette marche vacillante qui tente de s’adapter à on ne sait quel bouleversement de l’espace. Pour le cinéma comme pour la psychologie moderne, le vertige, le plaisir, la douleur, l’amour, la haine sont des conduites"
"The notes themselves—the sound waves, that is—are heard alike by musician and nonmusician and are universally acknowledged to be real in the purely physical sense. But what about the melody itself? Is it something real or does it exist only in the mind or imagination […] The musician does not need to have "faith" that there is a melody, nor does he have to accept the existence of the melody on some scriptural authority; he obviously has a direct experience of the melody itself. And once the melody is heard, it is impossible ever again to doubt it."
(Richard #Smullyan, The #Tao Is Silent) #perception #PhilosophyOfPerception #Music #MusicPerception #Psychophysics
📢I am looking for a postdoc to work on the cognitive neuroscience of self-beliefs at
🤩🧠✨ - details here: https://marionrouault.weebly.com/uploads/4/5/7/6/45761011/postdocad_rouault_icm.pdf informal inquiries are welcome & sharing the info is appreciated 🙏
The @DataColada team has been sued by Francesca Gino for exposing the fraudulent data underlying four of her papers (she claims defamation). The legal defense could get expensive. Please join us in providing financial support for their defense.
@alfora @futurebird @MostlyHarmless My favourite Excel “feature” is that biologists ended up having to rename some genes because Excel “autocorrects” them, leading to detectable errors in over 30% of a sample of published journal papers:
“What is not funny though is having genomics spreadsheets suffer from auto-conversion of gene names like SEPT8, DEC1 and MARCH3 into dates, a problem first characterised in 2004. A 2016 article on this topic led the Human Gene Name Consortium to change many of these gene names to be less susceptible to autocorrect. Despite this, our work here shows that gene name autocorrect errors continue to accumulate in supplementary genomics spreadsheet files at a rapid pace.” — https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008984
How big problem it is that cross-validation (CV) is biased? I briefly discuss some points on this.
0. Unbiasedness has a special role in statistics, and too often there are dichotomous comments that something is not valid or is inferior because it's not unbiased. However, often the non-zero bias is negligible, and by modifying the estimator we may even increase bias but reduce the variance a lot, providing an overall improved performance.
Pólya’s conjecture is the usual example of a statement that’s true for many cases, but breaks down for some large value of n. In that example, n=906150257. However, I think I have a new favourite: gcd(n^17 + 9, (n+1)^17 + 9) = 1 for all n < 8424432925592889329288197322308900672459420460792433 (More counterexamples at https://oeis.org/A010034)
interesting to see PubPeer being taken seriously
#integrity #fraud #misconduct #science #publishing
Que c'est navrant, on peut mettre des milliards dans l'IA, le quantique ou le spatial, mais on est incapables de recruter des profs en universités. Il faudra expliquer à nos têtes pensantes que les sciences et les techniques n'évoluent pas toutes seules dans l'éther du progrès : il faut des gens.
Sur Reddit, fascinante explication par la linguistique de l'usage immodéré des points de suspension par les plus âgé•es... et de celui du point d'exclamation ainsi que des smileys par les plus jeunes : https://www.reddit.com/r/PasDeQuestionIdiote/comments/15hqznj/pourquoi_estce_que_les_générations_de_nos_parents/juqw6ru
Désamorce complètement les moqueries adressées aux boomers. Et je sais enfin pourquoi j'utilise beaucoup trop de points d'exclamation dans mes échanges écrits, notamment sur ce réseau (tout en me sentant encore un peu jeune pour une fois, aussi).
@yoalor Tu veux t'abonner au flux rss d'un compte ? Si tu utilises masto sur un navigateur, clique sur le profil du compte, puis sur messages et réponses pour avoir tous ses pouets. Tu copies l'adresse web dans la barre d'adresse, tu la colles dans ton lecteur de flux ("s'abonner") en rajoutant à la fin .rss et c'est bon. Tu peux faire la même chose si tu affiches une recherche de hashtag sur ton navigateur, tu récupères l'adresse et tu rajoutes .rss.
Un exemple chez moi: https://mamot.fr/tags/climat.rss
I just discovered that that all #CNRS members (so basically everyone in a CNRS lab) have access to a version of the online #LaTeX editor #Overleaf with no restriction on the number of collaborators on a project and on the compilation timeout. https://plmlatex.math.cnrs.fr/project I haven't tried it yet but it seems pretty handy (it's based on the open source version of Overleaf so the interface looks very similar).
Preparing my #psychoacoustics course for next year, I try to incorporate a maximum number of #cinema references... Movie lovers, I'm seeking recommendations for #films exploring #perception, #hearing, or perceptual #experiments! (Here's a thread of the ideas I have collected so far: https://qoto.org/@leovarnet/110819521532563300) #cinemastodon #movies #Filmastodon #FilmSuggestions #movies
CNRS researcher at École normale supérieure Paris. Auditory perception, psycholinguistics, hearing loss. My toots are searchable #tootfinder.