X Window System at 40
USB Power Delivery on #RISCV CH32V003
65816 TV-toy Controller
InfiniEmu: WebAssembly Emulator for #PineTime smartwatch
Retro Handhelds Weekly (Allwinner H700)
How to use SPI devices in Apache #NuttX RTOS
#RustLang Apps won't compile for Apache #NuttX RTOS on #Ox64 BL808 SBC ... Let's fix this in the next article! 👍
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#rust-build-for-64-bit-risc-v
Just discovered the magic of JavaScript BigInt 👍
Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt
"Writing GUI apps for #Windows is painful" (ImGui)
Inside a $1 Radar Motion Sensor (RCWL-0516)
Static Allocation in External RAM on #ESP32
"Raffles Renounced: Towards a Merdeka History" (#Singapore)
#RustLang Apps run OK on Apache #NuttX RTOS for QEMU ... After adding the Rust Custom Profile for Double-Float
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#nuttx-links-ok-with-rust
Economics of Writing Technical Books
Milk-V Jupiter: Mini ITX board with #RISCV SpacemiT K1/M1
Here's how we download and boot Apache #NuttX RTOS on Oz64 #RISCV SBC (Sophgo SG2000)
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/sg2000.html#appendix-apache-nuttx-rtos-for-pine64-oz64-sbc
IoT Techie and Educator / Apache NuttX PMC