@hynek yeah that was my main misgiving, straddling those use cases made me nervous. I do need to update the library workflows at some point. I'll keep an eye on it.
@hynek PDM has also caught my wandering eye. Seems like you're using it for an application/tool, as opposed to a PyPI-published library?
@pganssle management fiction is/should be a genre unto itself. I think it started with "The Goal" but I first ran into it with "The Phoenix Project". Probably "out there" incarnation is the Moshidora anime, where an unlikely baseball manager successfully fixes a baseball team using Drucker.
Business people love to set up their idealized selves to perfectly solve their strawman scenarios. :P
@pradyunsg Thanks for this! 6k words might seem a lot (especially when you're writing it), but as a reader, the overview is so much easier than trying to track down all the threads. Keep up the good work!
"Thoughts on the Python packaging ecosystem"
A new blog post, with some of my thoughts on the state of Python packaging ecosystem.
Layoffs are mostly useless, a kind of “social contagion” that don’t improve company performance in the long term (https://news.stanford.edu/2022/12/05/explains-recent-tech-layoffs-worried/).
Layoffs are an indication that a company is particularly willing to shoot you and itself in the foot just to give shareholders a sugar rush.
Take note. Choose accordingly.
Cruising through complex #data (with #python and #glom): https://sedimental.org/cruising_through_data.html
Six techniques for wrangling tricky structures. Plus, more readable and actionable errors by overriding the default Python traceback.
Also co-released with glom 23.1 and my latest project, glompad, glom in the browser (with #pyscript/#pyodide). Take a look!
I think #poetry gives some bad advice on #python dependency pins: https://python-poetry.org/docs/faq/#why-are-unbound-version-constraints-a-bad-idea
Pessimistic pins like this plunge your consumers into dependency hell when packages update to consume fresh versions of their shared dependencies at different rates. If package Foo needs a new feature from click 8, and package Bar says "well, I work with click 7, better not try click 8" and never releases again, I'm hosed, even if Bar works fine with new click.
Your users should rely on CI, not #semver.
Hey @conda switched to Calendar Versioning, nice! By unanimous vote, too: https://github.com/conda-incubator/ceps/blob/main/cep-8.md
https://calver.org for details. #conda #CalVer #python
Loving this https://www.comeetie.fr/galerie/mapstodon/
but also what would you call the cluster that #qoto is in? https://www.comeetie.fr/galerie/mapstodon/?instance=qoto.org @QOTO 🤔
@tim #Search would be amazing. I'm enjoying the novelty of #hashtag #renaissance for now, but seems like it might get #old...
Tansu (https://github.com/AmadeusITGroup/tansu) and Svelte Immer Store are interesting, and may solve the underlying problems I'm having, but don't really address the general state timeline visibility problem.
New year, new post: https://sedimental.org/intentional_creation.html
Well, not entirely new. This one's a director's cut with a few edits that didn't appear in the original version posted on GitHub's blog: https://github.com/readme/guides/intentional-creation
TL;DR: Lever yourself out of the quicksand of consumption overload by writing critiques and curating collections. Inspiration is sure to strike, and creativity will follow.
Fintech, FOSS, and fatherhood. And some photography: http://mahmoud.photos