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โ€‹:thinking_rms:โ€‹ "New decade starts in 2020"
โ€‹:thinking_rms:โ€‹ "New decade starts in 2021"
โ€‹:linus:โ€‹ "New decade starts literally all the time because a decade is an arbitrary 10-year period"

Itโ€™s a beautiful world weโ€™ve created, my friends.

I like how this dude made himself a sand chair ๐Ÿ˜‚

Never seen that before!!

is full of and -- Do you know about LibraryThing ? a GREAT place to create a catalog of your own books, find recommendations, read reviews, etc.

For Readers, Writers and book lovers, a neat place to be.
RT @LibraryThing
Merry Christmas from LibraryThing! May your day be full of joy and your stocking full of books.

What's the cure for boring people? Asking for a friend.

So many threats and fears,
So many wasted years,
Before my life became my own.

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