RT @petersuber
1/ @HarvardLibrary is hiring a University Scholarly Communication Officer and Director of Open Scholarship and Research Data Services.
Now we have a national estimation of the total cost for article processing charges, 30M€ / year (France). The cost has tripled in ten years. The cost will probably double again in the next decade...
RT @ouvrirlascience
How much do APCs cost French research institutions?
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research publishes a study that quantifies the costs of article processing charges and predicts their evolution by 2…
Ces dix dernières années, le coût total des frais de publication pour la France a triplé. Et pour la prochaine décennie, un doublement est probable...
On en parle depuis longtemps, mais rarement sur la base d'estimations fiables. Désormais, nous savons combien coûtent les frais de publication pour la France (30M€ par an!) et nous avons une estimation crédible des tendances pour les dix prochaines années.
RT @ouvrirlascience
Combien coûtent les APC ?
Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche publie une étude qui chiffre les coûts générés par les frais de publ…
Mieux comprendre et accompagner l'usage des identifiants numériques des contributeurs de la recherche notamment ORCID en France.
Enquête à laquelle vous êtes invités à répondre
I am looking for an more recent reference about the global impact of the Human Genome Project. This article is dated from 2013 and I guess that there could be an updated research on this topic ? Wadman, M. Economic return from Human Genome Project grows. Nature (2013) doi:10.1038/nature.2013.13187. #openscience #bibiography #humangenomeproject
I have heard, during a meeting, that all japanese research papers are translated into japanese. It is true? It seems to be impossible... Thank your help. #japan #openscience
FAIRifying a scholarly publishing service: Methodology based on the OpenEdition’s internal FAIR audit
The FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) constitute a guide whose aim is to improve the management of digital scholarly resources. Nevertheless, the literature regarding data services other than data repositories is still scarce.OpenEdition is a digital infrastructure for open scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) that carried out an internal full review to assess the degree of FAIRness of its activities. The objective of this paper is to present the methodology employed by OpenEdition’s team and the recommendations for the FAIRification of a publishing system, and hence, the elements for the FAIR Publishing Toolkit. The FAIR review was conducted in three main phases: preparation, assessment, and result phase, which listed the recommendations for the FAIR principles implementation. The preparation phase gathered the available information to define the perimeter of the FAIR review. It comprised two steps: the landscape study and the exam of actual use cases. The assessment phase contextualized the FAIR principles according to the scholarly publishing context, defined the datasets to be analyzed, carried outa FAIR maturity review per dataset, and analyzed the state of the art of some important FAIR-related elements. The result phase produced the recommendations, organized as priorities and extended objectives. The priority recommendations regard persistent identifiers and licensing policies. The extended objectives focus on authors' information management, controlled vocabularies, machine-actionability, and Digital Management Plans.
RT @Pyb75
Reste un peu de temps pour candidater aux résidences de Bordeaux et Rennes et postuler chez @Wikimedia_Fr https://twitter.com/Wikimedia_Fr/status/1608387369656262656
RT @ponceto91
La version 2.0.1 de upscayl est disponible. Pour rappel, c'est un outil utilisant de l'IA permettant d'agrandir des images sans perte perceptible de détails. Il supporte Windows, MacOS et Linux #AI #Upscayl #DigitalImaging
Now it is time for Romania to set up their National Open Science Plan. Congratulations ! https://www.open-science.ro/
Une étude de la DGFiP Direction générale des Finances publiques s’intéresse au « poste de travail #Linux » et propose sa généralisation dans les administrations.
Cette étude est présentée sous la forme de documents au format #OpenDocument ce qui montre bien la volonté des participants du groupe interministériel.
Le Japon dessine son avenir énergétique en redonnant la priorité au nucléaire
More evidence that articles published in #OpenAccess journal are cited more often than articles published in #paywalled journals. But at the same time, evidence that availability on #SciHub is reducing the OA citation advantage (#OACA) for OA journals.
@medieviz courage !
[La Terre au carré] Reportage Grand Format de Giv Anquetil : À Montréal, la guerre des golfes.
À Montréal, où des habitants se mobilisent pour transformer des terrains de golf en jardins publics. Alors que la COP15 vient de s’y conclure, tour d’horizon des initiatives locales pour augmenter les espaces verts afin de faire face à l’urgence environnementale.