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Miguel boosted

-Tú estabas con él al final, ¿cuáles fueron sus últimas palabras?.
-Fueron, '¿Cómo que no tengo cojones a cruzar la autovía haciendo la croqueta?'
-¡Siempre se van los mejores!

Miguel boosted

-¿Me… me has afeitado las cejas mientras dormía, Conchi?
-Sí Josemari, y no pareces sorprendido.

Miguel boosted


"You too, when it happens," I assured.

"If," she stated, as if to correct me, "And thank you."

"You're welcome. And if you need anyone to talk to, since booze can only do so much and often make things worse in certain cases, I have several pamphlets of places and people you could contact," I said, reaching into the help-box under the bar.

She didn't answer.

Because she was gone. Only a gray feather dusted in sulphur remained.

Sometimes I wish the mysterious ones tipped a little better.

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Miguel boosted


"If I die I’m bound for hell," she mumbled into her empty cup.

I poured her a free shot; I owned the bar, it was the least I could do for someone having such thoughts. Just the one though.

"Ah, I didn’t mean to make you feel sorry for me."

"I hope it'll help you feel a little less doomed. These are uncertain times for everyone."

She smirked and shrugged, "You are so kind. When your time comes; you’ll get your pick of heavens."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

Miguel boosted
Miguel boosted

This picture was taken during the flu pandemic of 1918-1920... just sayin'

Miguel boosted

-Me han dicho que en tu casa sois muy fans de las matemáticas.
-Más o menos ¿por?.

Miguel boosted

Some really nice eye candy showing various quarantining and social distancing techniques and how it effects the spread of a virus.

Worth checking this out even if its just for the animations:

Miguel boosted
Miguel boosted
Miguel boosted

-Jose Joaquin, oigo ruidos…
-Yo no oigo nada...
-¡Calla, calla joer!… ... ... ¿oyes?
-Jueves, ¿por qué?

Última hora. La luna de Valencia también cancelada

Pues nada, que hoy no tengo curro y me he venido a echar un rato a Mastodon. Entretenedme!!

Miguel boosted

-Mira otro chiste del señor Román, voy a impulsarlo, le doy a la estrellica y que lo lea su puta madre.

Miguel boosted
Miguel boosted
Miguel boosted

Consideration for pedestrians decreases with the cost of the car

“A new study has found that drivers of flashy vehicles are less likely to stop and allow pedestrians to cross the road – with the likelihood they’ll slow down decreasing by 3% for every extra $1,000 that their vehicle is worth.”

Miguel boosted

Hay una capa prendida a una reja con crispaciones de murciélago. Un cura de Zurbarán, que vende a un anticuario una casulla robada en la sacristía. Unos ojos excesivos, que sacan llagas al mirar.

Miguel boosted
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