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@freemo awesome explanation! Thanks! You are right to form crystal properly must be a slow freezing proces and plastic has a low thermic conductivity that helos in that. If i understood correctly.

@freemo so there is a very low temperature. Here we are having one of the warmer winter opening i can remember and very stable weather. No too much wind, south, south-east and sunny sky. But this can not last for longer.
I wish a very happy new year for you and all the QOTO comunity!

@freemo i like your motto: libre eta ausarta / free and brave

@freemo so do we have to genuflect whenerver we meet 😂.
One of the sector of your armcoat has the sing of the Borbones, the spanish royal family's dinasty.

@freemo this was another cool graphic scripting example. Twice a day you
can have available this sand canvas/sheet here at Donostia.

@fluffy bricklayer, stonemason, electrical technician services, plumbers for the people and engeenering services for all them all... Perhaps there aren't enough social networks in the chart nor posible services. It is funny but thera are some services/products that are present in all the chart's social networks.... Weed? Really? Smoky networks hahaha! And after smoking they all need food and after sex, snd so on

@Absinthe yes it is clear. If i understood well, always the number of classrooms we need is, the number of overlaps plus one. First we have to find how many overlaps occurs and then add 1. If no overlaps it is like this 0 + 1 and if there are overlaps, call it n. Then the total of classrooms needed are n + 1.
For me the hard part of this problem is to find out how many overlaps occurs using a no drawing method 🤨

Thank you!

@Absinthe i am nor programmer, nor engineer, nor mathematician but in the array you put for the example i see two lectures that do not overlap, so, they can be celebrated in the same classroom and the (30, 75) one overlaps the others, so it can not be in the same classroom. But i do not know how to generalize this or how to code this problem solver...

@freemo nobody knows, probably a white, average, caucasian male... 😜

When i was writing my answer thinked on the lyric of the homonym song by David Bowie. It talks about his own changing being all along his life. He asks himself who is that man he almost recognized in front of him.

@freemo you are right, despite the man who sold the world we can be pretty happy leading our random lives.

Yesterday i found this slug in a lettuce. I wondered how would it taste in my salad. In the end i let it be with that big green leaf. I think it did not realize what was going on and how dramatically could be changed his fate what ever i would decided to do. Are we in the same position? Are we slugs of our social system? That society that it is one order of magnitude up bigger than we are?

I am a slugman and i like to eat greeny leaf and vegetables, although i think i can do anything, in fact, i have ni choice. I only can run away, but where? And how? I got no legs! I only can slip myself away to slowly!

In Donostia, Euskalerria. Thousands of demostrators asking for freedom in/for Catalunya and Euskal Herria


In Donostia. Thousands of demostrators asking for freedom in/for Catalunya and Euskal Herria

@Surasanji or... banning bean cans at work will give you 500 ones like the banned one 🤪

Tonight Skyview app's screenshot from "La Concha" beach. Delightfull night at Donostia! 27°celsius and starry sky.

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