@freemo interesting matter. We do not know how to survive to a total global disaster that would let us living "la vida loca" in a wild forest, years after this dammed pandemic! Hehehe!
Hunters an butchers would be the most valuable assets for our colonies, as always were. My wife and i have a little experience fishing. Diferent kinds of knots, baits, fishes ... My father and hers were hunters, had hunting shotguns but they never taught us hunting, that knowledge will disapear. My son wanted to know hunting but i failed in that because my father did not tramsmit that knowledge to me... My wife's parent knows a lot of birds, even their trills, mushroom, kitchen gardening, cattle raising. In short, they lived another kind of life, they were in contact with the natural medium.
@freemo Here we prepare a meal called squid in its ink and it is very simple to prepare and delicious!
I make it simplier than this guy, i only chop the squid and put it inti the ink sauce, but just for ilustrate.
@freemo you know, there is a though stream that imposes over of what ever you can think about transportation where autonomous car stands for autonomous freedom. Car has to mean for freedom in our society. Thus, this is our sign of time right now. No one can oppose to the car thinking, Ford, GM and others estabilished this long time ago. Bandits, cowboys and other solitaritely free caracters are the arquetipe of the people who wants to own a car, a horse, his liberty... It is very difficult for me to express all this thoug because of my poor english but hope you can understand whaths underlies those previus sentences. Hehehe
@rocky_plsnet @hackaday@botsin.space Eskerrik asko Rocky! Ea Hernaniko udalak baimena ematen digu behingoz eta Mastodonen zintzilikatu ahal dugu berria den zerbait!
@freemo especially when this very old fashioned but reliably phone gets suddenly reseted and the lenguage setting turns back in its original German option. 🤪😂The phone is a SIEMENS. In that case they ask to me for changing the lenguage setting back to spanish. And i do not know nothing in german lenguage more than saying Hallo, hilfe, atchung, ja and nein. But i understood that sprache is lenguage by navigating every single menu option recursively... It was so grateful to learn the word sprache! 😜
@freemo the most modern communication device they have seen it is a late 90s mobile phone, and they think
that it is sorcery!
@freemo My aunts have gifted to me one this xmas. It is the third one, and i never have put it on my neck...😂
@rocky_plsnet kaixo motel
@rocky_plsnet Mikel?
@freemo is this from M.A.S.H.? this is the bomb! Hehehe
@design_RG @freemo Quebec and Scotland have had the chance to be asked about split up from their mothership countries, but in other hand, Catalonia, Basque country and many others nations without state, haven't had.
You are right, the questions many times makes the desired answer. There are many examples of manipullating polls. The construcction of an actual legal poll makes the difference bettwen a real democratic society and the autocracy.
@freemo i do that every time people wants give their votes hehehe that is why the world is thus nasty
@design_RG it is a 360° photo taken from the dock
Donostia's little harbour. In the past there where a bunch of wooden/steel fishing boats, 20 metres long. Nowadays there are one or two. Fishing activities went to another close harbours like Pasaia, Getaria and Hondarribia. Almost all fishing activities are traditional low impact fishing arts. The picture is a panorama but i do not know if the app shows this kind of images properly.
Siempre he creído que, en general, la gente era buena y que yo también lo era...
Ahora me conformo con comer bien, beber bien y hacer cositas para entretenerme...