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@QOTO @paulg @marius workaround: create a post containing their username, then click on the username to show the profile without leaving, and hit "Follow".

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Dear @QOTO, I'm getting a "500" error when searching for these Mastodon users on other servers in an attempt to follow them:
- @paulg
- @marius
I use the advanced web interface (screenshot). I checked that the server doesn't block according to @tbrunner @johncarlosbaez sorry, I deleted my response just as you replied to it. My remark is based on similar buildings in France , which have not been successful for housing purposes due to the lack of many nice things. I see this as bad city planning. I don't think it has much to do with the cultural issues you're citing (I'm sure they exist but I'm vastly ignorant about them).

@tbrunner @johncarlosbaez to me, it looks like a poor ghetto in the making but maybe it's an improvement. I'm unfamiliar with the topic.

@HipsterDM @ned another test: the percentage of urinals that are unflushed as you arrive in the men's room.

Hello fediverse, lil cry for help: Iโ€™m looking to speak to someone with vitelliform macular dystrophy caused vision loss, so I can ask about their experience with the onset of symptoms. I was diagnosed ~3 years ago and until recently hadnโ€™t experienced symptoms, I believe I now am but would love to chat to others about their experiences. Compulsory masto disclaimer: Iโ€™m not looking for advice other than the specific ask above, thank you. Boosts much appreciated ๐Ÿ’–

@freemo yes, but not really considering that panels could easily be cut into shapes other than rectangles. Even ovals are relatively rare. Original shapes tend to be distracting and get reclassified into "wall art between painting and sculpture".

@freemo for practical reasons, I reluctantly settled on foot/inch-based formats for my paintings: 18:24 and 24:36 (inches:inches). It doubles the surface area but doesn't preserve the aspect ratio (3:4 vs. 2:3). It's not too bad because if I double the surface area again, I'm back to 36:48 = 3:4. So instead of being always 1/sqrt(2), it alternates between 3:4 and 2:3.

It matters to me when dividing a 4 ft by 8 ft plywood panel without wasting too much.

@freemo I knew about the height:width ratio being constant at sqrt(2) but didn't know about the surface area considerations.

I just found out by accident that the A0 paper format is designed to have a surface area of 1 mยฒ! An A4 sheet is obtained by cutting an A0 sheet in half 4 times, giving a surface area of 1/16 mยฒ.

It came up while playing with formulas to price artworks based on their dimensions. I was using sqrt(height * width) to obtain the side length of the equivalent square and I was surprised to get a round number for sqrt(21 * 29.7).

Not unrelated to previous posts. I'm sick and tired of artists not getting proper financial compensation for or control of their amazing work

I'm currently building an artist led game project based off tarot card illustrations

๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ Are you a fantasy illustrator?

Thread below ๐Ÿ‘‡

#mtgart #cardart #illustration #tarot

As a prefix, "meta-" can mean so many things, I'm not sure. Maybe it means "modified sequoia" as in "metamorphism" (geology)?


They say "I forgive but I don't forget" but it misses the main point of forgiving, which is to not be haunted by the memory of the incident.

I forgive to better forget.

@LouisIngenthron Congress lobbying is a US specificity and so far I've been happy with blaming it but it's not something I studied closely.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.