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RT @jfekoenig
Super cool preprint from @florsheim_eb+@RMedzhitov! Mice are averse to eating allergens they are sensitized to, and there’s a neuro-immune explanation! Clinicians tell me all the time that kids significantly dislike the taste of their food allergen. (1/6)

RT @n8_upham
Lunar New Year visitors to the AZ desert -- morning hike to welcome in the 🐇🐰🌵🏜️
@danmucida @carolilucas @florsheim_eb

RT @Bob_Fernandes
Ex-juiz, ex-ministro, ex-Catão, ex-herói verde amarelo, Moro paralisou a demarcação das Terras Indígenas e entregou a FUNAI para o que havia de pior. É um dos grandes responsáveis pela tragédia humanitária nas terras Yanomami.

Dan Mucida boosted

RT @Masopust_Vezys
Authored by Andrew G. Soerens et al, we show that are capable of proliferating in response to iterative stimulation for over 10yrs! And produce enough progeny to occupy a volume 30,000x the Earth's volume! @Nature

RT @victora_lab
Happy to see this study out in @Nature! Massive effort by @Arien_Schiepers and also many collaborators, both from our lab and @jbloom_lab , @PaulBieniasz, and Norbert Pardi’s (U. Penn) groups.

The King 👑
RT @TheKingCenter
‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’:

A masterpiece.

“You deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham. But your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations.”

RT @LulaOficial
Hoje agradeci os trabalhadores que limparam e reergueram o Palácio do Planalto em pouquíssimos dias, depois do estrago feito por vândalos. Esse é um patrimônio do povo brasileiro, de todos nós. Muito obrigado.

📸: @ricardostuckert

RT @RockefellerUniv
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved colleague and friend, C. David Allis. Aside from his groundbreaking contributions to biomedical science, David will be remembered for his warmth, humility, and relentless optimism.

RT @SenWarren
The violent attack on democracy in Brazil is eerily reminiscent of the insurrection on January 6th. The people of Brazil voted in a free and fair election and deserve a peaceful transfer of power. I condemn this violence and stand in solidarity in defense of democracy.

RT @IlhanMN
Two years ago our Capitol was attacked by fanatics, now we are watching it happen in Brazil.

Solidarity with Lula and the Brazilian people.

Democracies around the world must stand united to condemn this attack on democracy.

Bolsonaro should not be given refuge in Florida.

RT @sohailtavazoie
How does Codon bias emerge? @DennisJHsu shows: limiting arginine causes arginine codon switching mutations in cancer: Low Arg aa-> reduced Arg tRNA->ribosome pausing->proteomic shift->DNA evolution. big thx to @s_tavazoie @Columbia @Rockefeller

RT @evoespueblo
En el 64 aniversario de la enviamos nuestro saludo y reconocimiento al digno pueblo de Cuba y a su presidente @DiazCanelB por mantener viva la llama de la libertad que ilumina el rumbo de dignidad, unidad y solidaridad de la Patria Grande antiimperialista

RT @randolfeap
O nosso Presidente do Brasil 👍🏼

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