Moby Lets You Download 4 Hours of Ambient Music to Help You Sleep, Meditate, Do Yoga & Not Panic

@Surasanji No, it's a pretty great song. Meme music is an excellent genre of music.

@pschwede @freemo I assume yes, if they go over the knee. But I don't know.

@freemo At least she could wear pants, right? I mean, this looks just like underwear to me.

An interesting or avante garde personal style might just mean you're an expert consumer.

Idea: Tradition is a memetic lifeform that maintains itself by ensuring people think it's important that they keep practicing it :blobthinking:

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If I was designing a self-driving car, I'd put sensors on top so you can pet the car and it knows you're petting it

Die Einführung der #Einheit in die Einheit ist die Einführung einer #Differenz in die Einheit. Für sich selbst ist die Einheit eine Differenz. Eine #Operation, die sich in ihrem eigenen Bedingungszusammenhang als Einheit will, will sich als Differenz. Das ist die #Grundparadoxie aller #Reflexion : dass sie Einheit will und Differenz erzeugt.

Niklas Luhmann, Die Autopoiesis des Bewusstseins, S. 442

Why do we call it "environment protection", when really it's more like "human protection". I feel like the environment will survive a lot more and longer than those pesky humans will.

@mastohost So you would not suspend over an advice from someone else on the network?

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