
All valid points. But it is stll microsoft, ick! I can understand the reason. If I see someone using VSStudio in a video or tool I dont tend to give it much attention just because I have an aversion to anything microsoft.


@freemo I would love a nitpicky brainy debate about this :-) But tell me which part of VSCode still smells icky like Microsoft? I must tell the Community to change the darned branding! The Community @PINE64 might even consider adopting it as ;-)


To me this is a perfect example of a monopolistic corporation using OSS improve its image, attract the community to do free work and marketing for them, while keeping key components of the system(in areas where they have and wish to maintain their monopoly, which for MS very much is C# and C++ dev tooling) proprietary. VSCodium supports VSCode, unless it actually forks and does sizeable amount work under a GPL like license.

Also it being based on the abomination that is electron, I just can't see how someone doing embedded dev or even just rust in general can like it, even purely on the technical level. Your only excuse is "I like shiny, and I don't care"... which is a valid excuse I guess.

@freemo @PINE64


I agree that is microsofts intent. I have nothing wrong with that intent. Its a wonderful step in the right direction for them and a brilliant business move overall. It simply isnt a tactic that works for me as I do not have microsoft in high regard in terms of fostering quality dev communities or products, so I stay away.

Despite my distaste for Microsoft I have no issue with them going open source, I applaud it

@lupyuen @PINE64



Yes, we all know you don't care about proprietary software, as long as it doesn't affect you personally (or as long as you can pretend that it doesn't). Microsoft didn't suddenly decide to be nice and "go open source", or start "loving linux" or whatever else marketing you want to believe, it was forced to do what it's doing to attempt to maintain/extend its monopoly.

@lupyuen @PINE64

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When did I say they did it for loving linux or to go open source? As I explicitly said they did it as a business decision to make more money. In that regard it was a brilliant decision as a company and one of very few decisions they make which I absolutely support, even if i dont like what they produce and thus wont use it.

I also never said I dont care about it as long as it doesnt effect me, try listening more closely to what people say. What I did say is that proprietary software is not. It absolutely effects me, and I care about those effects, it just isnt an evil that needs to be removed, the good far outweights any negative much as patents and copyrights do as well.

@lupyuen @PINE64


I was mainly nitpicking on you last sentence about microsoft "going open source", which sounded a lot like a marketing buzz and an attempt to skew the reality, and was otherwise contributed nothing to your overall statement, which to me seemed very much self centric, since stupid me keeps forgetting that proprietary software is good. The goods that it had done are immense of course... if you consider establishing monopolies owned by select few, who then toss breadcrumbs at their employees and now at OSS projects to keep people "happy", good. It's all relative of course, after all software doesn't matter, it is not a necessity in any way for anything important.

In my opinion software industry today is not at all in a good state, and its progress is greatly hindered by proprietary software and the culture that accepts it as the norm.
There is no expectation of warranty of any sort or any independent quality standards from any "product". Most software is expected to be unstable and not be fit for any purpose. It is expected to routinely break and be patched up in various backwards ways. Even very important software projects often fail/break in the most embarrassing of ways. Most software is badly designed, even according to people who designed it. A lot of the designs are duplicates, made for no other reason than to have copyright on it...
but of course proprietary software has nothing to do with it, what am I even talking about??? I guess, it's all the unwashed masses who try to get into software industry for money alone... wait... but why does one have a chance of making any money in the industry without being an expert or at least good at what they're doing? hmmm... this dillemma is unsolvable...

@lupyuen @PINE64

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