@xtaldave FINALLY!
New Babylon 5 Project Coming Says J. Michael Straczynski
Attention, attention all #6502 fans, the news you've been hoping for!
@davep 3? You heading for the Borders?
@xtaldave Thanks, I needed that (except NIN—cannot stand 'em).
@davep This also reminds me that I should invest in some new prescription sunspex before the summer hits big time.
@davep The second are more Eldritchesque.
@davep 😮 What are the chances‽
I learned today that 5 of my books are among the more than 1600 books banned in some schools right now.
For more information
Government terminates funding of “hate speech” Christian group https://www.secularism.org.uk/news/2023/04/government-terminates-funding-of-hate-speech-christian-group?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
@andrewt wtf/kloc is a valid unit of measurement.
@neonbubble He certainly has a face for it!
@neonbubble I just looked it up on Wikipedia. Apparently there were only 12 episodes, but I would have sworn at the time that it ran for years and years.
UK politics
I see Raab's resignation statement is every bit as graceless as you would have expected.
It's *always* someone else's fault with this lot, isn't it?
Physics geek, dev nerd, science fan. Esperantisto. Secularism, blasphemy & sarcasm. Evidence or STFU. Plant hater. Caveat lector. Enthusiastic cat and dog dad. RT≠︎👍 Slowly moving widdershins into #InfoSec