RT @MBoffin@twitter.com
I did it! Thanks for watching! 😄 With 20 seconds to spare, I finished making my game in zero hours. It's a maze-running game filled with slimes. OMG. I just realized! This weekend is also #procjam!! Double-win! #pico8 #gamedev #0hGameJam Play it here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=35838
RT @pomeranian99@twitter.com
High school student invents a clever in-car projection to eliminate a blind spot for drivers: https://mashable.com/article/blind-spot-invention-teen-girl-broadcom/
RT @TerribleMaps@twitter.com
The legality of owning a kangaroo in the United States #Map #Maps #TerribleMap #Terriblemaps #USA #Kangaroo #MapPorn
I have moved to peterdrake@mstdn.social. If you found peterdrake@qoto.org on a website, please let me know at my new account.