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In my opinion, it is a failure of society.

We (mostly as children or young adults) grow and learn from each other how to care about each other, and also about ourselves. We learn how to deal with our problems but also, as a society, we help other people deal with their problems.

If somebody is deaf, it's of course not our fault that we don't know sign language or don't offer personal assistance. Instead, we, as a society, provide opportunities, care about translators and subtitles, create schools, etc. Unconditionally.

But in the case of mental illnesses, it's always conditional. If you are neurodivergent, your childhood and adolescence are nightmares, and your socialization is a failure, nobody cares. You have to earn help. If you have depression, you have to earn help. If you have OCD, you have to earn help. If you are male, you have to earn 2 times more. If you are not physically attractive, you have to earn 2 times more.


In my opinion, it is a failure of society.

We (mostly as children or young adults) grow and learn from each other how to care about each other, and also about ourselves. We learn how to deal with our problems but also, as a society, we help other people deal with their problems.

If somebody is deaf, it's of course not our fault that we don't know sign language or don't offer personal assistance. Instead, we, as a society, provide opportunities, care about translators and subtitles, create schools, etc. Unconditionally.

But in the case of mental illnesses, it's always conditional. If you are neurodivergent, your childhood and adolescence are nightmares, and your socialization is a failure, nobody cares. You have to earn help. If you have depression, you have to earn help. If you have OCD, you have to earn help. If you are male, you have to earn 2 times more. If you are not physically attractive, you have to earn 2 times more.

I do not care about Musk. But history of man eaten by cats is terrifying. It's important to care about each other, even when somebody is mean.

I do not care about Musk. But story of man eaten by cats is terryfying

Should grants use a lottery approach? 🎟️

"Research shows that, barring a minority of outstanding projects, grant winners and losers are not decided by a precise and objective identification of worthy and unworthy projects. Instead, the luck of the draw — who reviews what proposal and the opinions they hold — generally determines these outcomes."

"It is excessively wasteful in terms of researchers’ time."

#sciencereform #macademia #metascience @academicchatter

“The price of privilege is the moral duty to act when one sees another person treated unfairly.”
 ~Isabel Wilkerson

Do better.

How To Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi 
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo

#Antiracist #Antiracism #DoBetter

The first site should be:
"ignore R, learn python"
(I started learning two weeks ago, after fie years with R) ;)

I can help with Polish, but for now, you really should an (at)PawelK(at) for shocking transphobia

BTW. You should (consider) more strictly modder content in a different language than English because there are some users who use QOTO to hate in the Polish language (I've reported some)

@mikrolet I just wrote it in another comment under this toot.
I follow in that way some interesting scientific-oriented instances.

Click "edit profile" on your site, then "Preferences", then "Favourite domains".
After you add your favorite domain, you'll see it on the right part of the site.

1) możesz widzieć wszystkie konta, specjalnie odpisuję Ci z konta na innym serwerze :)
2) niestety, niektóre dane, takie jak to kogo followujesz i starsze tooty osób których nie śledziłaś, nie są śledzone przez inne serwery. To znaczy, że nie widzisz kto z innych serwerów śledzi konta z innych serwerów.

Jest to problemem głównie na początek, jak dopiero zaczynasz śledzić daną osobę.

To coś, co prawdopodobnie się w przyszłości zmieni, ale na ten moment, wymaga zdecydowanie za dużo mocy obliczeniowej, by pociągnęła to aplikacja która jest darmowa, nie zarabia na reklamach i jest utrzymywana wolontaryjnie.

We have decided to create an account at Mastodon. We need time to learn how this platform works but also how to synchronize our work here with the Twitter account.

Thank you all for joining us here. No matter where we are, the mission stays the same. We are in social media to commemorate the victims of Auschwitz and educate the world about the tragic story of the camp.

1) Polish "Defekt Muzgó" and "Siekiera"
2) The Stooges

Central-Eastern Europe Punk > Anglo-Saxon Punk

meta social media 

It seems clear to me that one consequence of the shift from Twtr to Mastodon - for me - is that I will be spending less time on social media, but better.

Better in that there will be less anger, but also less triviality for the sake of being part or the viral, the moment.

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Paweł Lenartowicz's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.