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Недавний слух, который озвучил журналист Михаил Зыгарь для **Der Spiegel**, шокировал мировое сообщество.

В нём утверждается, что Владимир Путин якобы ездил в Монголию, чтобы встретиться с шаманами и получить их благословение на применение ядерного оружия. По словам источников в Кремле, президент России вернулся из Улан-Батора в приподнятом настроении. Зыгарь отмечает, что Путин всерьёз опасался "разгневать духов", прежде чем принять столь радикальное решение.

Это не первый случай, когда обсуждаются мистические увлечения Путина. Как утверждается, перед вторжением в Украину он консультировался с различными мистиками, которые предрекли скорую победу России. До Монголии, где Путина якобы планировали арестовать, но побоялись, он также посещал Тыву — регион, известный своими шаманами. Хотя прямых доказательств его связей с шаманами нет, журналисты ранее сообщали, что Путин увлекается «кровавыми» ваннами из оленьих рогов на Алтае для поддержания здоровья.

**Аналитический доклад:**

Информация о предполагаемой встрече Путина с монгольскими шаманами, чтобы получить "благословение" на использование ядерного оружия, вызывает серьёзные вопросы. Хотя это может показаться слухом или спекуляцией, сам факт появления таких сообщений в крупных западных СМИ, как **Der Spiegel**, отражает обеспокоенность мировой общественности относительно психологического состояния президента России и его предрасположенности к мистицизму.

В последние годы прослеживается интерес Путина к различным формам эзотерики и духовных практик, включая элементы православного мистицизма. Перед вторжением в Украину, по словам Зыгаря, президент консультировался с мистиками, которые заверили его в быстрой победе. Этот факт указывает на то, что лидеры мировых держав могут принимать ключевые решения, исходя не только из стратегических, но и из оккультных соображений.

Важным аспектом этой ситуации является непрозрачность личной жизни и мотиваций Путина. Например, его поездки на Алтай, где он принимает ванны из пантов оленей, стали объектом расследований журналистов. Этот эпизод добавляет загадочности в образ президента, который все больше увлекается сомнительными духовными и целительными практиками.

В то же время, информация о возможной связи Путина с шаманами — это отражение растущего недоверия к руководству России. Недавние слухи лишь усиливают восприятие Путина как лидера, который обращается к альтернативным источникам силы и уверенности в своих действиях, что вызывает тревогу как у политических аналитиков, так и у мировых лидеров.

1. Зыгарь, М. (2024). *Путин в Монголии: встреча с шаманами и мистицизм в Кремле*. Der Spiegel. [Link](
2. Proekt Media. (2021). *Что известно о мистицизме Путина и его поездках на Алтай*. [Link](
3. Волков, Д. (2020). *Российская власть и оккультизм: от православных традиций до шаманизма*. Slavic Review, 79(2), 265-287.
4. Иванов, О. (2019). *Политическое мистицизм в современной России: роль шаманизма и оккультных практик*. Journal of Russian Studies, 24(1), 122-144.

#ПутинИШаманы #ЯдернаяУгроза #МистицизмВПолитике #МирНаГрани #ПолитикаИМистика #АлтайИПанты #ОккультнаяРоссия #ШаманизмВТыве #ПутинВМонголии #ГлобальныеУгрозы #ПолитическийМистицизм

**Searching in IPFS with YaCy**

YaCy is a decentralized search engine that can integrate with IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), enabling search across a distributed network. IPFS is a distributed file storage system that does not rely on central servers, instead utilizing a P2P network where data is stored across multiple nodes worldwide. Together, YaCy and IPFS combine decentralized search and storage capabilities, offering a robust solution for privacy-focused data access.

### How YaCy Integrates with IPFS:
1. **Indexing Data from IPFS**: YaCy can be configured to index links to data stored on IPFS, making it possible to find and browse files, documents, and other resources shared by IPFS users.
2. **Accessing Files via Hash Identifiers**: In IPFS, files are accessed using unique hashes (CIDs). YaCy can handle these hashes, allowing you to search for specific IPFS files if you know the hash.
3. **Full Decentralization**: With IPFS integration, YaCy provides search capabilities across a decentralized database, bypassing central servers. This is valuable for users who prioritize privacy, as both IPFS and YaCy enable information access without typical internet censors and centralized controls.

### Benefits of Using YaCy with IPFS:
- **Privacy and Confidentiality**: Users can search and browse data on a decentralized network without sharing personal information.
- **Censorship Resistance**: Files on IPFS are not dependent on individual servers and can remain accessible even if the original uploaders go offline.
- **Data Control**: YaCy users can easily search and manage their IPFS storage, retaining complete control over their data.

### Conclusion
YaCy’s integration with IPFS provides access to decentralized data, enhancing privacy and reliability for searching and accessing information. This solution is especially relevant for users seeking autonomy and wishing to avoid traditional search engines that often track user behavior and preferences.



В Севастополе, благодаря Единой России, после принятия закона о запрете пропаганды чайлдфри, число монашек выросло в сотни раз.

Интересная статистика 3: куда за 4 года делись 15 миллионов избирателей-демократов (и, кстати, 3 миллиона избирателей-республиканцев)?

Donald Trump — the twice impeached former president, Jan. 6 coup leader, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual abuser, and man who mismanaged the 2020 economic implosion and coronavirus disaster that killed more than 1 million people in this country — has convinced American voters to give him another term in the White House.


Тест не пройден.
Голосование в Штатах разочаровывает, хотя дурные предчувствия у меня были.
Мир стал ЕЩЁ хуже. Детишек жалко.
Прошлое насилует будущее.
Зато в Америке цены на бензин снизятся!

Нет,не Илон Маск - «первая леди» при Трампе,а Трамп - прокси-президент при Маске. Маск родился в ЮАР и по закону не может стать президентом США, но мега-амбиции плюс мега-деньги позволили провернуть комбинацию.Теперь Маск не выходит из Мар-о-Лаго и на проводе с мировыми лидерами.

Был когда-то одним из моих любимых городов в Европе: красота, полная свобода и полный порядок. Теперь - опасная вонючая помойка. Погромов тут не было даже при нацистской оккупации. И Музей Анны Франк выглядит не как напоминание, а как насмешка.

Morgen findet wieder der Lesekreis zum Especifismo 17:45 im Malobeo statt.

Guckt gerne mal vorbei, es lohnt sich
(Vorwissen wird nicht benötigt)
#Dresden #Anarchism

Für mehr Infos guckt bei @and

"YaCy Tutorial #06: Создание секретных агентов с помощью RSS-ридера YaCy"


В этом видеоуроке "YaCy Tutorial #06 Secret Agents with YaCy RSS Feed Reader" подробно рассматривается, как настроить и использовать YaCy для создания секретных агентов, используя встроенный RSS-ридер. YaCy — это децентрализованный поисковый движок с открытым исходным кодом, который позволяет пользователям находить и индексировать информацию без зависимости от центральных серверов. В этом уроке демонстрируется, как RSS-ридер YaCy можно использовать для отслеживания интересующих вас веб-ресурсов, получать обновления в режиме реального времени и конфигурировать автоматизированных агентов для мониторинга новых публикаций по вашим запросам.

Инструктор расскажет, как настроить фильтры для RSS-ридера, чтобы получать только релевантные данные, и создать автоматические агенты для удобства обработки данных. Благодаря гибкости YaCy и функциональности RSS-ридера можно организовать поток информации и мониторить его в автономном режиме, сохраняя при этом конфиденциальность и независимость от централизованных провайдеров.

**Ключевые моменты видео:**
1. Настройка RSS-ридера в YaCy.
2. Создание фильтров для автоматического отбора информации.
3. Применение секретных агентов для мониторинга изменений.
4. Организация и хранение данных в децентрализованной сети.

- YaCy Project. *Decentralized Search with YaCy*. [Официальный сайт YaCy](
- YaCy Documentation. *User Guide for RSS Feed Integration*. YaCy Wiki.
- Примерное руководство по работе с децентрализованными системами: Nakamoto, S. *Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System*. 2008.


Kolibri Studio

### Should a C++ Developer Develop Their Skills in Trending Areas to Stay Effective?

#### Introduction

C++ is a powerful and versatile programming language that has shaped the development of modern software for decades. Known for its high performance and control over system resources, C++ is a language that thrives in fields like game development, operating systems, high-performance computing, and more. However, with the rapid evolution of technology, there arises an important question for C++ developers: should they expand their expertise into trending areas like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and privacy-oriented technologies to remain competitive and effective in the future?

This essay explores the evolving role of C++ developers in the age of modern technological trends and emphasizes the importance of adapting to new paradigms while staying rooted in the language’s foundational strengths. It also considers the broader impact that C++ development has had on the universe of programming.

#### The Importance of Adapting to Modern Trends

In today’s tech landscape, there are numerous exciting developments in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, cloud computing, and privacy-oriented systems. These fields are not only driving the future of technology but are also reshaping the way software is built and consumed. Developers who stay on top of these trends are in high demand, as they bring valuable skills to the table that help organizations adapt to these new realities.

For C++ developers, this means evolving with these trends while leveraging the strengths of the language. Let’s take a closer look at how C++ is aligning with these trends and why it’s important for developers to stay informed.

#### Real-World Examples of C++ in Trending Areas

1. **Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning**
C++ plays a pivotal role in high-performance computing, which is at the heart of machine learning applications. Libraries like TensorFlow and Caffe use C++ for speed-critical components of machine learning algorithms. In practice, many AI systems, especially in fields like robotics and computer vision, rely on C++ for their backend processes. By understanding AI and ML fundamentals, a C++ developer can contribute significantly to developing high-performance systems capable of real-time decision-making.

2. **Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies**
Blockchain technology, particularly in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, heavily relies on C++ due to its speed and ability to manage complex cryptographic operations. Bitcoin Core, for example, is written in C++ to ensure transaction processing is fast and secure. C++ developers working in blockchain can contribute to improving the underlying infrastructure of decentralized systems, including better performance, scalability, and security.

3. **Privacy and Anonymous Networks**
In today’s world of increasing surveillance, the development of anonymous and private networks is crucial. Technologies like Tor and I2P, which are built to safeguard user privacy, have C++ at their core. C++ developers working on privacy technologies are helping create the foundation for secure, anonymous communication channels across the internet. As privacy concerns continue to grow, understanding and contributing to these privacy-enhancing projects is becoming an essential skill.

4. **Cloud Computing and Containers**
Although cloud computing platforms like AWS or Azure and containerization tools like Docker often favor higher-level languages for certain applications, C++ is still vital for performance-critical components. For instance, the Docker Engine uses C++ in some of its core components to ensure fast containerization processes. Developers who can combine their knowledge of cloud infrastructure with C++ are well-equipped to optimize systems for both speed and scalability.

#### The Role of Free Programming and Open Source Contribution

One of the unique aspects of being a C++ developer is the strong presence of free programming and open-source development. Many of the world’s most prominent libraries, frameworks, and tools are open-source, allowing developers to contribute to and shape the future of programming. C++ developers who engage in open-source projects not only refine their skills but also impact the direction of major technologies.

By contributing to open-source software, developers can collaborate on projects that are shaping the internet of the future, such as decentralized applications (dApps), blockchain systems, and privacy-preserving technologies. Their contributions extend beyond just writing code—they become part of a community that drives innovation and transparency in software development.

#### The Contribution of C++ to the Universe of Programming

C++ has an undeniable legacy in the universe of software development. As one of the most influential programming languages, C++ has contributed to the development of the modern computing ecosystem. From the UNIX operating system to video game engines like Unreal Engine, C++ has laid the foundation for performance-driven applications across industries. Its ability to bridge low-level hardware access with high-level abstraction has made it a key enabler of the technological advances we enjoy today.

Looking ahead, C++ will continue to play a vital role in the evolution of computing. As developers embrace new trends, it’s important to remember that C++ will always remain the language of choice for performance-critical applications, especially as systems become more complex and demand higher levels of efficiency. The development of high-performance computing systems, secure blockchain technologies, and advanced AI algorithms will all rely on the core principles of C++.

#### Conclusion

To stay effective and competitive, C++ developers must not only stay proficient in the language’s core features but also develop skills in trending areas such as AI, blockchain, privacy technologies, and cloud computing. These areas are reshaping the tech landscape, and by adapting to them, developers can ensure their place at the forefront of modern software engineering.

Furthermore, C++ developers should embrace open-source contributions and free programming initiatives, as they provide opportunities to shape the future of programming. By evolving with the industry while staying true to the language’s strengths, C++ developers will continue to make a lasting impact on the universe of software development.


### Should a C++ Developer Develop Their Skills in Trending Areas to Stay Effective?

C++ development has always been a cornerstone of modern software engineering due to its high performance, flexibility, and low-level access to system resources. It is widely used in the development of operating systems, games, graphical applications, financial systems, and more. However, in the rapidly changing technological landscape, a key question arises: should a C++ developer actively expand their experience and skills in trending areas to stay effective and competitive in the market?

### The Importance of Trends in Technology

Today, many developers are focusing on popular and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, mobile app development, DevOps, cloud services, and more. These areas are gaining popularity, and many companies are actively looking for specialists who can work with these technologies. Developers who master new tools and methodologies gain a competitive advantage, as they can integrate the latest capabilities into their projects.

For C++ developers, this issue is equally relevant. Although C++ will remain a core language for many systems, new technologies demand flexibility and the ability to adapt to modern requirements.

### Adapting to New Trends

When we look at emerging trends that are actively infiltrating the C++ ecosystem, it becomes clear that a C++ developer can benefit from broadening their skills. For example:

1. **Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning**: C++ is a popular language in high-performance computing, and many machine learning libraries, like TensorFlow, use C++ for the implementation of critical parts of algorithms. If a C++ developer has a basic understanding of these fields, they can enhance their productivity and work with new tools, opening up additional opportunities.

2. **Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies**: C++ is also frequently used in blockchain development due to its ability to handle low-level processes such as fast transaction processing and network security. Understanding blockchain and cryptography principles allows C++ developers to become experts in new technologies, which is highly promising.

3. **Cloud Technologies and Containerization**: Knowledge of cloud infrastructure and container technologies (Docker, Kubernetes) is becoming increasingly valuable in the industry. Although C++ isn't the first choice for cloud solutions, learning the basics of DevOps and CI/CD tools allows C++ developers to work effectively in modern infrastructures.

4. **User Interfaces and Graphics**: New libraries and frameworks for graphical user interfaces (Qt, OpenGL) are continuously evolving, providing C++ developers with new opportunities. Expanding knowledge in creating modern, intuitive, and attractive user interfaces will help developers build better applications.

### Skill Development: Is It Worth It?

Undoubtedly, adapting to new technologies is important, but it is equally crucial not to forget the fundamentals. A C++ developer should strike a balance between expanding their skills in trending areas and deepening their knowledge of core programming principles. Learning new tools and approaches enables developers to broaden their perspectives and stay prepared for changes in the technology market.

At the same time, a deep understanding of fundamental concepts, such as efficient memory management, code optimization, multitasking, and parallelization, will remain essential for any C++ developer. These skills allow developers to create high-performance and reliable applications, regardless of which trend or technology dominates the market.

### Conclusion

To remain effective and competitive, a C++ developer should not only have a deep understanding of their core language but also actively develop skills in modern trending areas. Balancing knowledge of cutting-edge technologies with the ability to optimize and effectively apply classic programming techniques will ensure success in any field they choose to work in.


**Concept of the Kolibri Studio Subdivision – OMNIMEDIA**

The **mission of the OMNIMEDIA subdivision** is to be an efficient producer and creator of content, focusing its efforts on high-quality media production, organizing production processes, and establishing communication with our community. OMNIMEDIA strives to be the meeting point for creative ideas and precision in execution, ensuring project consistency without delving into management or global strategic processes.

### 1. **Content Production**
OMNIMEDIA specializes exclusively in media product production, ensuring its high quality. This includes:
- Creating video content (from short clips to full-length projects).
- Programming and setting up studio equipment for audio and video recording.
- Producing materials for digital and traditional media: video, podcasts, graphics, animations.
- Creating and processing visual and sound effects to enhance content quality.

We emphasize flawless production processes, where every detail is executed with precision and creativity.

### 2. **Organization of Production Processes**
The key task of the subdivision is to efficiently manage the content production process. This includes:
- Creating clear production plans and monitoring deadlines.
- Establishing communication between all participants in the process: from writers and scriptwriters to technical staff.
- Coordinating work on projects considering budget and timelines.
- Ensuring maximum efficiency through standardized production methods and product testing.

### 3. **Communication with the Community**
OMNIMEDIA not only produces content but actively engages with its audience. We value feedback and interaction with the community, so:
- The subdivision actively works on building and maintaining communication with various audiences.
- We engage in open dialogues with subscribers and fans through social media, forums, and direct communication platforms.
- We conduct surveys and questionnaires to improve content based on the opinions of viewers and listeners.
- We implement strategies to interact with niche communities to achieve mutual understanding and audience growth.

### 4. **Focus on Quality and Precision**
All processes within OMNIMEDIA are oriented towards ensuring flawless product quality. We create content that not only meets the highest production standards but also resonates with viewers. This is achieved through:
- The use of advanced technologies and cutting-edge tools in production.
- Continuous improvement of our working methods and the introduction of innovations.
- Maintaining high ethical and responsibility standards when creating content.

### 5. **Non-involvement in Global Strategies**
The OMNIMEDIA subdivision operates autonomously and does not participate in strategic planning or global business processes of the studio. Our task is to concentrate on production and the high-quality creation of media, leaving strategic and financial decisions to other subdivisions.


OMNIMEDIA is a specialized subdivision focused entirely on high-quality content production and its associated processes, as well as effective communication with the community. Our mission is to be the engine of creativity and precision, working directly on content and ensuring its maximum quality and appeal to our audience.

**English Version:**

A Russian neo-Nazi from the "Rusich" sabotage and reconnaissance group, Alexei Milchakov, was killed at the front — Z-channel.

The war criminal, before the war in Ukraine, filmed himself killing animals, and later, when he started fighting, he boasted about cutting off the heads and limbs of Ukrainian soldiers.

He also described how, in 2014, he severed the hand of a Ukrainian prisoner with a tattoo and "pickled it in a jar as a souvenir."

We await official information.



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