Pure Acetone

**Searching in IPFS with YaCy**

YaCy is a decentralized search engine that can integrate with IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), enabling search across a distributed network. IPFS is a distributed file storage system that does not rely on central servers, instead utilizing a P2P network where data is stored across multiple nodes worldwide. Together, YaCy and IPFS combine decentralized search and storage capabilities, offering a robust solution for privacy-focused data access.

### How YaCy Integrates with IPFS:
1. **Indexing Data from IPFS**: YaCy can be configured to index links to data stored on IPFS, making it possible to find and browse files, documents, and other resources shared by IPFS users.
2. **Accessing Files via Hash Identifiers**: In IPFS, files are accessed using unique hashes (CIDs). YaCy can handle these hashes, allowing you to search for specific IPFS files if you know the hash.
3. **Full Decentralization**: With IPFS integration, YaCy provides search capabilities across a decentralized database, bypassing central servers. This is valuable for users who prioritize privacy, as both IPFS and YaCy enable information access without typical internet censors and centralized controls.

### Benefits of Using YaCy with IPFS:
- **Privacy and Confidentiality**: Users can search and browse data on a decentralized network without sharing personal information.
- **Censorship Resistance**: Files on IPFS are not dependent on individual servers and can remain accessible even if the original uploaders go offline.
- **Data Control**: YaCy users can easily search and manage their IPFS storage, retaining complete control over their data.

### Conclusion
YaCy’s integration with IPFS provides access to decentralized data, enhancing privacy and reliability for searching and accessing information. This solution is especially relevant for users seeking autonomy and wishing to avoid traditional search engines that often track user behavior and preferences.

#YaCy #IPFS #DecentralizedSearch #P2P #Privacy #CensorshipFreeInternet #Integration #OpenSource #InformationFreedom #DigitalAutonomy


**Searching in IPFS with YaCy**

YaCy is a decentralized search engine that can integrate…

Duane McLemore

I'm also a huge #blackmetal fan and an #anarchist. I believe in #informationfreedom, #civilliberties, #workersrights, and #decentralized networks.

If you want to start a conversation, mention any of the above, #architecturaltheory, #continentalphilosophy, the #history of ideas, specifically #math and #computing, or just ask about my #homerenovation.

Thanks, and I look forward to great discussions here!


Secondly, I'd like to say thanks to @fragdenstaat, which is an awesome platform for requesting information with #FOI laws (#informationFreedom) from public bodies!

The software that powers this is open-source, which is great and makes it possible to contribute and possibly setup other projects!

(deutschesprachige Version im Thread)


Happy ILoveFs-Day 2021! · Issue #419 · okfde/froide

Hi, I'd just like to take a moment to say thanks…


#InformationFreedom is threatening to the concentration of power. The governments of states - entities that traditionally rely on concentrated power - are telling us they have to clamp down on tools of information freedom to prevent violence. As #PublicEnemy famously said, don't believe the hype. The vast majority of the violence on Earth is directly caused by states. Information freedom is essential to exposing state-sponsored violence and hopefully preventing it in future.