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One of our moderators @design_RG wrote this excellent article on the QOTO discourse server that explains all the new features in QOTO along with screen shots and a detailed explanation of how to use it. Its worth a read if your feeling a bit confused: has many nice FREE ebooks. Classic, public domain and newer CC licensed ones too.

Including a good selection of modern Sci-Fi books, Cory Doctorow’s titles and others.

Cory Doctorow’s titles on file there:

Nice site, recommended.

Just got confirmation from it seems the goto instance tag you all see locally will be accepted into the database in the next update. That means other instances that use the instance ticker will soon see the same colors as us and the same icon when seeing our own posts! new January 2020 Features Added - 6 - Quick View Remote Timeline.

This is something I have just discovered, as I prepared screenshots for a previous post.

It is similar to the "Domain Subscriptions" feature listed previously. But :

- It can be done from ANY post, and allows you to instantly open a column showing the originating Instance's Local Timeline.

- Done taking a look? Just back out of it, open any other timeline and move on.

If you liked what you see in their timeline, then you could consider Domain Subscribing as described at .

* Why would someone be interested in that?

- for diversity : the fediverse has a myriad of instances, and that means there's many different places. Some are big, some are small, many we can't even read the local languages, but it's fun to travel and see.

- when things get quiet at Qoto's local timeline... we open one of these and have freshly posted content from whichever instance we selected.

Isn't this snooping, or uncool, or frowned upon? No, not at all.

- we can only see posts that were made Public at their original instance.

- these posts will be Federated and will join the millions of others in the Home and Federated feeds.

* How do we open this Quick View into a Remote Instance ?

Reminding everyone that this feature is now available here at, and it will not work elsewhere (unless the instance installed similar modified software).

But, I was really surprised on finding it here too - even @freemo hasn't mentioned it, and likely is unware this is now possible.

- From ANY post in the Home or Federated feeds, click on the "..." Dots menu in their lower part.

- There are various options, some quite useful for controlling unwanted content (mute, report, etc.)

- And on this list we now find "*Open timeline*". (see screenshot #1)

- Voilá.. Click on that, and the screen will display a Full column of the remote instance posts; their Local timeline in fact. (see screenshot #2)

As shown in the screenshot, *we are still on the domain*, but the timeline displayed is from ***'s posts***.

That's it, simple as that!

Like it? See the instructions and Subscribe to their Domain if desired -->

** You can also see this post in prettier, easier to Read format at the Discourse Forum :

** Why, Prettier? Because.. Text formatting, Header sizes, Bold and Italicized text styles, Inline images inserted in the proper place on the text, that's why. 😛

@mathst ゲーム性がありそうなのは、先手縦ドミノvs後手横ドミノでニマス使って(コノ時点でユニコード向きじゃない)、例えば4×4盤面に着手制約なく敷き詰めるだけお互いに試みた結果として、最終局面でジャア平均3.5に近い縦vs横4マス2セットのサラナル平均で競う、とかだと終局勝敗判定が面倒だし違いも微妙なので一応備忘録だけ

@puzzl Learning another language is very difficult. You are trying so dont be discouraged. It will get better with time I'm sure and you should be proud you can speak another language at all because it isnt easy.

Dr. Freemo is the greatest teacher in all fediverse of ! I would be very helpful if you could say so. However, English communication is also difficult SO SORRY🙇


Just keep posting quality content and you are already helping :)

Nooooo, I haven't done anything yet! ( and?) @freemo Thank you for the great work always‼ :100_queer: I don't know what I can do, but I'd be grateful if You could say anything else!

#instanceticker How wonderful it is! QT:
QOTO Announcements & Polls  
Minor Update just went down to the instance ticker. The instance ticker now has its own custom icon and colors. Since we are a significant...

Minor Update just went down to the instance ticker. The instance ticker now has its own custom icon and colors. Since we are a significant fork from vanilla mastodon it made sense that we have our own unique colors to represent QOTO instance and derivatives.

Please let us know if anyone sees any unintended side effects or if anyone doesnt like the new change. We can always fix it.

@mathst シンボル松本人志そういえば性器自体として例のマークで表すのだろうかSubsetOTF とAdobeゲンノ何某フォントと のWindows10システムフォント変更ツールが必要らしい(やってない

@freemo @design_RG @sozialwelten
my focus right now is modularizing the NodeJS ActivityPub implementation that I created for @GuppeGroups and implementing the rest of the spec so it can be used to build other apps, e.g. events.
So, not likely to make any progress on Guppe soon, but forks and other instances are highly encouraged 👍


@mathst これは 部をやるしかねえ流れガレナー!
(例えば、チェス記号はv11以上とか俺のWindows10じゃ見えてもないけど 、トランプというかタロットの小アルカナ的な10より上がジャック=ページ=11・ナイト=12・クイーン=13・キング=14・ジョーカー=15
🂫 🂬 🂭 🂮
🂻 🂼 🂽 🂾 🂿
🃛 🃜 🃝 🃞 🃏
🃛 🃜 🃝 🃞 🃟

This is the new server favicon :beaker: which in a few days should update as our instance ticker icon too.. thoughts?


@mathst 申請あったものはFaviconでソレ以外はAlticonとかでイインジャ全く知らんけど 略。ココもBOT新規登録多いらしいけど、 または に地球全体バリア丸投げ動線張れないかな、後者がすごいのは頻繁更新RSS_BOT経由で他責鯖のActivityPub垢からフェディバース荒らしッテまあ普通垢でも同じことか、何か穴があったらTOGETHERしたーいルー語)

I think adding control and administration features to Guppe Groups would be excellent, right now it seems to be fully functional but there's no way to stop spamming or block any bad content.

Alex wrote a Blog post about Guppe and he mentioned the moderation problem, along with some suggestions -- including the First User becoming the group owner.

Having Groups working would benefit users in many instances, not just Qoto. So if you do have some ideas and the time to work on it, it's a nice project.




Hey @datatitian any plans in the immediate future to implement permissions and ownership schemes in Only asking so I can decide if it makes sense to fork the project and add it in a fork or if it makes sense to wait if its on your plans


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.