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Our #ObjectOfTheWeek is a #NewAcquisition: The 2nd MP3 Player in the World, the Diamond Rio PMP300 (Sept 1998, after S.Korea’s MPMan in March) – the 1st commercially successful MP3 player.

The Rio provoked the 1st RIAA’s lawsuit trying to kill MP3s (they lost bc their suit was based on the misunderstanding that the Rio was a recording device).

Even after 25 years, our Rio still plays the (terrible) files on its built-in 32MB storage.
#diamondrio #pmp300 #mp3player #mp3 #90s #portablesound

Happy #TransDayOfVisibility to all our trans friends! This has been a particularly tough year, but don't let that get you down.

You deserve the world. You deserve to be who you want! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

#TransgenderDayOfVisibility #TransRightsAreHumanRights


Please hire me.

I can write c++ and python aswell as Javascript and html. I can also do graphical design, vector graphics and 3d modeling.

I can also probably learn additional programming languages if needed.

Please hire me so I can avoid the negative consequences of not working as well as doing questionable or highly unethical jobs


I'm not being conspiracy-minded on the "more data" part, either. This is from the linked article, which says that switching to the new Google system "will help the automaker capture more data on its customers’ driving, listening, and charging habits. It could also help inform future subscription products, as automakers across the board are seeking to generate more revenue beyond just selling cars."


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I bought a 2023 Chevy Bolt EUV, and it's fantastic. One of my favorite things about it is Carplay, which I use daily. Today I learned that future Chevy EVs will not include Carplay, making this the last Chevy EV I will buy. Just an amazingly stupid move by GM!

Apparently they want to collect more and more data from people who buy their cars, which in an amazing coincidence is something I very much DO NOT WANT.

Fortunately, I now have two EVs, so I won't be in the market for quite some time. Maybe they'll have reversed themselves again by then.

"The size and age of the Cosmos are beyond ordinary human understanding. Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home."
— Carl Sagan

The Milky Way over La Silla Observatory. Credit: ESO/S. Brunier

Don’t like. Don’t comment. Just re-post until the gun nuts see this image in their sleep tonight.

I wrote this because everyone needs to be clear that what's happening at @TexasObserver isn't just another case of nonprofit media struggling to sustain itself -- a 70-year-old magazine is being deliberately tanked and staff are trying to save it.

Today is Tuesday, 28th of March 2023, and that's just not something you can say every day.

If you're not woke you're sound asleep and dreaming of a time that never existed.

1/23 Why explore the #PartySwitch?

#WhiteSupremacists like to deny it happened. Some just don't know any better but, from those who do, this is a flag - are they hiding something?

All our threads in this discussion thus far (which I've saved on Medium pending a better way to do this, see have provided broader context towards enhancing clarity for so much of #AmericanHistory and the current state of affairs, and this topic is no different in that regard.

Let's rock!

One of my brothers pointed this out, but the proper experience for listening to Del Amitri's "Roll To Me" is not, as I would have said, as background music in a grocery store. No, it turns out that the proper experience involves headphones. That song is mixed with a *heavy* emphasis on stereo. There are no drums at all in the right channel! Only vocals, acoustic guitar, and I think castanets.

I'm not even going to link to a YouTube video here, because you should listen to it in the music service of your choice using headphones. Not in a car or a grocery store!

Whenever I see someone without tattoos, I just assume their mom won’t let them get one.

Can I tell you about Charles S L Baker? He was the founder of the Friction Heating Co, incorporated in 1904 and I've just learned of him today.

To give you an idea of how much more a billion is than a million:

A million minutes ago was April, 2021 — a year into the COVID 19 pandemic.
A billion minutes ago it was November 121 CE — the height of the Roman empire.

Billionaires. Shouldn’t. Exist.

I am the Director of my own life.

But one of those first-time Directors where everyone on the set realizes he doesn’t know what he’s doing and start calling their agents to see if they can get out of this impending flop before it ruins their careers.

If you're trying to find music that is engaging without being disruptive, music you can play during creative work that won't take you out of your flow state, I highly recommend music in a language you don't understand.

I stumbled on this album thanks to @cambraca earlier this week, and it turns out Korean shoegaze is exactly the genre I needed, and Parannoul is exactly the band to give it to me. I have no idea what they're saying, because I refuse to click the links on the Bandcamp site to show me the English translation of the lyrics. The tone and energy of the music is all I want to know right now. I mean, the first song is called 아​름​다​운 세상, which I'm told means "Beautiful World." That's fine, that's all the info I need.

It's been my background music during work, my driving music, and I've sent this link to a few people already. Now I pass it along to all of you. Happy Friday! Spend your weekend enjoying this excellent Korean shoegaze album from 2021, and maybe next week I'll check out one of the two albums they've put out since--or maybe not.

I can’t stop thinking about something @pluralistic said to @adamconover in this one-minute video clip.

To paraphrase, optimism and pessimism are both rooted in fatalism, because they presume that nothing we do matters.

Instead we choose Hope. We do things to make life better at every opportunity, to move toward the world we Hope to see, and what we do matters whether it lines up with a big-picture plan or not. We move forward in Hope, and then we see new ways to move forward in Hope, and then we do it again and again.

What else can we do?

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