📣 Exciting Opportunities Alert! 🌟 Join the cutting-edge research in Quantum Optics
@UniHannover! We're hiring 4 PhD students in #quantumsensing. 🎯 Positions available: 3x Experimental 🧪, 1x Theoretical 📚. 👉🔗 https://uni-hannover.de/en/jobs/id/6302/ #PhD #QuantumOptics #Research 🚀✨
As children, my grandparents were deported to Kazakhstan b/c they were of German origin from Poland and Ukraine. They never finished school and were so proud when I graduated. I think about them every single day. 🥲
🌟 Quantum enthusiasts, exciting news! Join the Institute of Quantum Optics
as a PhD student. We have 3⚛️ experimental and 1📚 theoretical positions available in #quantumsensing. Dive into the core of #quantumtechnologies! 💫 #phdPosition
I can tell you one thing: the absorption of a high power 1960nm laser in water allows one to perform crazy fun experiments
(really glad we took the time before decommissioning the last thulium doped fiber laser).
More details and slow motion imagery soon.
Are you a MSc-level student and interested in the field of Quantum Tech? Apply now for the 1st Summer School @UniHannover on Quantum States of Matter: Fundamental Physics and Applications!
🔗 https://dq-mat.uni-hannover.de/en/summer-school
Poster 📄: https://seafile.cloud.uni-hannover.de/f/ac95a504865d4872a433/
This is after some heavy-duty quantum engineering going on yesterday. The VLBAI facility is finally completed and will toss around ultracold rubidium soon!
13 years ago I bought a notebook during ICAP in Australia. Haven't regularly used it but recently reactivated it. What better occasion could there have been than filling the last pages with notes from Mark Kasevich's colloquium. What an honor to present #VLBAI to him!
There are a lot of reasons to take cold atoms into space and space-borne experiments have a long fuse. Here's our community's roadmap drafting the path for the next 25 years.
Name this band
(and we're looking for a new band member, too!)
Image: (c) Jan Hosan/LUH
the untold truth about #quantum technologies, inertial sensing and your prime resource for waves that matter | sometimes just kidding wrt quantum computing | science account of @angryschtillerp | #FirstGen