@anubis2814@toot.cat @GustavinoBevilacqua Sure...
@ottaross Sure, I think about it. Code is not my primary occupation, thus I don't often take notes about it.
@DrSuzanne @beatnikprof I do have prejudices. And I do think that old people should stop working and leave place to younger people.
I am not saying that all old people are unable to work, what I am saying is that I believe it is beneficial to use an age based discrimination system because I believe that on average older people lose their capabilities. While this system may not be perfect, it has the advantage of being simple, clear and hard to circumvent.
Peer review is not for this and could not be used for this at all. Reviewers do not tell you who should retire.
@sio È così che morì Fratelli d'Italia glio.
@DrSuzanne @beatnikprof I do agree, age should not be a determinant factor but rather the ability of conducting research and teaching effectively.
However, determining who is able to do this things and who is not is difficult. You'd need an expert in the field to evaluate this. Said professor is probably the expert in the field, and most likely other experts in the field do know him.
It is difficult to expect a genuine valuation to come out given such premises.
The age limit should cut it in most cases, and anyways I know plenty of people who keep working in research even after they retired.
This week's #TidyTuesday data looks at age gaps in Hollywood films! 📹 Kept it fairly simple again this week - using {gghighlight} to look at trends in different relationship types 🧑🤝🧑
Code: https://github.com/nrennie/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/2023-02-14
@TheStrugglingScientists 6 unread emails. 5 of which for conferences you won't attend.
Because all the other urgent things you were already replying to during the vacations.
@ottaross I mean, I don't write code in my head. I think about solutions to problems I've got, but I'm not going through the code line by line in my head.
@doc Very cool.
Always better than use the sand from downstairs the department to blow your own round bottom flasks.
@surveyor3 No, l'acqua si riesce a regolare, è che non prende bene il sapore degli aromi ed il tessuto connettivo non si disfa così tanto come a farlo cuocere a lungo.
@drupas Muchas gracias! La tuya parece guay porque puede funcionar con présion tambien. Esta creo que solo pueda funcionar por cocción lenta.
Me la voy a intentar, ¿por que no?
@surveyor3 Gli stufati in pentola a pressione non mi sono mai venuti troppo bene
@Yaku Non ho figli, ma se li avessi vorrei che possano vivere l'esperienza di un'occupazione qualora volessero farla.
Comunque stavolta non voto, ormai non sono più residente. Peccato che il PD di Majorino al tempo almeno ci aveva dato un locale per farci un circolo sociale senza chiedere nulla in cambio.
Nessun simbolo del PD ne niente, giusto di tanto in tanto passava qualcuno delle liste a farsi una birra.
@erinnacland Ah, alright! Thanks for the explanation!
@realcaseyrollins I did not understand, could you explain?
@erinnacland Didn't read the article. What do they mean by replication of non experimental results? What exactly are they replicating?
Boosting this with alt-text because #librarians rule! 💪
I love the last panel. 😊
@paulsutton Nice start, but be careful or you'll end up like me: a full blown home laboratory, lots of reagents, definitely too much hydrazine to keep in a house and no use for all that.
@karlggestd @twit_terrorist Subir es muy difícil. Yo intenté hace tiempo subir una película gratuita y me hicieron un montón de problemas los de los sitos de torrent.
Me creo que lbry podría resolver este problema si fuera más conocido porqué no hay que apoyarte a servidores centralizados.
@Karamels@nebbia.fail Che schifo. Questo è il problema di lasciare libero arbitrio e libertà di azione a soggetti mossi prettamente dai profitti. Le misure di sicurezza costano più che ripagare le persone che potrebbero venire danneggiate e quindi si lascia che la gente muoia.
Speriamo che questo incidente faccia cambiare le cose. Spero che in Italia la situazione sia migliore, a quanto ne so le nostre ferrovie sono molto migliori e spero anche i sistemi di sicurezza.
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
Don't star my toots, I find that often useless: if you liked it send a reply.
Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.