@GustavinoBevilacqua Almeno qui i nomi delle variabili hanno dei significati chiari ed esaustivi. Dubito che nessuno capisca male ciò a cui ci si riferisce con StoCazzoDiEtichetta, mentre invece Pippo è molto sibillino; potrebbe riferirsi infatti al personaggio del fumetto, che però con l'INPS non centra molto; oppure potrebbe riferirsi alla forma di consumare sostanze psicoattive del programmatore, che già forse ha più senso se parliamo dell'INPS.
@brucknerite no creo que puedas recuperar mucha energía de ese forma. En primer lugar por electrólisis no creo se produzcan cuantitativos de gas tan grandes por generar un flujo tan fuerte, en el cui caso la turbina por inercia ni se activaría.
Aunque el flujo pudiera mover una turbina, de cuánta eficiencia más estamos hablando? Si se trata de un kW por cada MW que pones en producción, merece verdaderamente la pena comparado con los gastos a mayores para el mantenimiento?
Para aumentar la eficiencia a esos niveles me parecería mucho más prometedor intentar con la dispersión térmica, más que el flujo de gas.
Pero claro, yo tampoco soy experto. Mira si ellos te pueden enviar sus cálculos para que lo puedas comprobar. Eso es lo mínimo, no voy a comprarte una patente si ni siquiera me puedes proporcionar unos cálculos que comprueben su utilidad.
@oha I don't know how much more evil you can be than by using JSON. Maybe that's what they refer to: we give you an extremely evil tool, don't use it to do something more evil as it's likely impossible.
The government of the United States has conducted an investigation on COVID-19, its origins and on the effectiveness of responses taken to the pandemic.
You can read it here: https://oversight.house.gov/release/final-report-covid-select-concludes-2-year-investigation-issues-500-page-final-report-on-lessons-learned-and-the-path-forward/
They have a nice short summary to take a look at. I did read it and a few things came up as strange to me. The wording is a bit propagandistic and they indicate that the most likely hypothesis is that the virus was developed in a laboratory in Wuhan and then accidentally infected some researchers.
I found these findings extremely interesting as they are different from other articles I had read before.
I skimmed through the first 100 pages, which is where the origin of COVID is discussed. Out of these, only 4 pages discuss the fact that the virus was made in a lab, while the remaining ones discuss the fact that the article proposing that the virus likely originated in an animal and was later transferred to humans.
The evidence they use to sustain that the virus was made in a laboratory is the following:
- some researchers in Wuhan got sick with a respiratory disease before COVID
- the FBI is confident that the virus was made in a laboratory
- Boris Johnson said he believes the virus was made in a laboratory
- no animal carrying a similar disease was found
Now, these look like good leads to me; but the only real thing that may actually prove anything is that the FBI is certain of it. However they don't say why the FBI believes the virus was made in a laboratory. I'm not sure whether this is classified information or how they justify this belief as it's not explained anywhere.
The following part goes into the analysis of how a certain article was published. They conducted extensive investigations interviewing people involved and reading through their emails and messages. There appears to be some small academic misconduct in the process which took there, but really nothing to justify their thesis.
I don't know, I'm a bit startled: it took them two years to conduct extensive investigations and this is all the evidence they can come up with? Moreover, the conclusions of their report are nowhere justified in any way which could support their high confidence.
Last week I had to travel to the USA, to be sure I brought with me 5 packets of tobacco. For curiosity I went to a tobacco shop to check the tobacco prices over there... 20$
I'm very happy I brougth the tobacco along with me. Whenever I'll go back to the USA I'll remember to bring a very large amount of tobacco with me, can't really burn through my salary smoking at such prices.
@GustavinoBevilacqua Oh... I'm not sure for database storage. For in-memory management maybe you can try the composite pattern: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/composite
@812labs Yes, it is a very nice explanation. But I believe it has its limits if we start talking about quantum mechanics. Just ask any physicist doing string theory to interpret an equation and any other one to interpret the same one and you're in for a few days of discussion until one of the two dies of starvation...
BTW, is the book any good? I may want to read it!
I've been working for a while on quite a large Unity project written by researchers. Code quality was quite terrible and I decided to invest some time into refactoring a bit of everything.
Two months in, plenty refactoring done, plenty to be done. Very little functionality added.
I'm starting to consider that maybe writing everything from scratch could have been the better option...
Santa in the age of quantum computing.
Cartoon by @tomgauld.bsky.social for @newscientist
#Christmas #Funny #Humor #Holidays #Physics #Quantum #QuantumComputing #Santa #Science
@raucao Wow, first person I see encrypting mails. Do you send emails to more than 2 persons?
@bbacc Eh, che casino.
@maupao è perché l'interfaccia dei programmi di videochiamata non è molto ben fatta. Ci sono decine di piattaforme. Mi è capitato di fare due chiamate al giorno tutte su piattaforme distinte.
Ognuna funziona in modo diverso.
Mettici che a me teams con l'abbonamento aziendale mi funziona solo su Chrome e anche lì solo a giorni alterni e figurati poi se devo pure condividere lo schermo...
@GustavinoBevilacqua Vuoi una mano? Magari ci posso buttare qualche ora alla settimana.
@GustavinoBevilacqua Ma perché lo estrai se già sai che è 0? Non è meglio avere un oggetto che non abbia quel campo o che lo abbia ma che sia sempre 0 e non possa essere cambiato?
@Folagra l'unico motivo per cui in cima alle statistiche di criminalità non ci siano solo i froci ebrei islamici è che fortunatamente le forze dell'ordine riescono a rimandarli a casa loro, chiaramente è più difficile quando riescano a dissimulare una di queste proprietà, come ad esempio attraversando i confini nazionali con una passeggiatrice in modo da confondere anche l'investigatore più zelante.
No se porqué nunca puse estás cosas aquí, me abrí un Instagram hace unos meses para éstas tonterías. Igual no hay mucha gente de Santiago aquí.
@tante as someone writing a lot of grants myself, I agree completely.
What actually happens in the end is the t you have the last of your new employees sit down with chatgpt and write the whole thing.
You then revise it, point out a few very obvious mistakes and keep going until it appears to be decent.
I remember submitting projects 100 pages long where 2 or 3 would actually have sufficed.
I understand asking for time estimates and budget allocation, but even that does not require all the detail that is often required...
@garyackerman while probably this could be very useful for online courses and stuff like that, when it comes to traditional education that is the role of the teacher to do.
I highly doubt an AI system can teach better than a human teacher, after all only a small part of teaching actually revolves around dispensing facts.
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
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Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.