Próxima ayuda del gobierno español: una dosis gratuita de heroína por cada amigo que enganches.
What could go wrong really?
We should really start pushing #replication studies, not novelty for the sake of novelty. Also, I thought we were past #novelty = #impact ...
E Gesù disse "Questo è il mio corpo e me lo tengo, voi non mangiate", poi raccontò la favola del samaritano che era un migrante e venne imprigionato in un centro di raccolta stracolmo e deportato lontano, raccomandò di lapidare la donna che aveva abortito e di sputarle addosso, venne a trovare Lazzaro ma non lo resuscitò perché l'assicurazione sanitaria non lo copriva
Buon Natale gente!
@mrehorst just posted a detailed writeup of the current state of his latest sand table, with a few details I don't remember seeing on his blog before. Worth reading!
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
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