@realcaseyrollins have you tried drugs?
@Surasanji Not for sleep. Hadn't thought of that but I don't want to be dependent on drugs. Maybe I'll try it sometime, what do you recommend?
@Surasanji Getting to sleep isn't an issue, but for some reason I can never seem to sleep for more than 8 hours at most, and it seems to me to actually be going down to around 7.5 hours
@Surasanji I think that's true, but I still feel tired sometimes, despite getting what should be a proper amount of rest.
@realcaseyrollins That might be a function of depth/quality of sleep versus length. You might have apnea or something like that. It can make your sleep less restful.
That's something you should talk to a doctor about, though, although you can always set up a recording to see if you do snore.
@Surasanji yea that is normal and healthy.
Most doctors would never give someone a regular daily dose of sleeping pills. I am an exception really in that regard. But I can say sleeping pills tend to **reduce** the amount of hours you sleep long term they dont increase it (for me that is good).
@realcaseyrollins 7-8 hours is in the health range, iirc.