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Yo health care coverage is not the same as health care!

Same as car insurance is not the same as a car!

Same as homeowner's insurance is not the same as home ownership.

says that she wants to allow people the choice to decide whether they want private or public health care.

wants to know why doesn't trust Americans to decide whether they want private health care or not.

says some people lose it anyway, and Medicare For All covers everyone.

What a stupid answer.

parroting the same "if you like your doctor you will keep your doctor" lie.

And did she say that her plan would limit middlemen and medical paperwork? How exactly?

Oh wait, she's still not completely explaining how she's deliver on her claims.

At the same time it is a shame that some Americans don't have health care at all though. But some companies like John's Hopkins step in and provide health care to people for free.

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Yeah, , Americans DO pay more for health care. But health care overall is higher quality, and the highest quality American health care is better than most high quality health care around the world.

There's a reason that British tooth health is a running gag.

is doing a wonderful job attacking the other candidates. He criticizes for not being clear about how her health plan works, she responds with obfuscation and misdirection.

: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

Thanks for the fresh idea Joe.

: My health care plan costs $130 trillion dollars. It will usually cost $50 trillion.

Then WHY on earth will it be more expensive from the outset?

: The top 5% and companies will pay more taxes.
: Will the middle class pay more?
: The middle class have expensive health care.

Answer the question please!

Americans DID NOT LIKE Obamacare...especially now we know that most of what said about it was a lie, nobody wants to go back to that...

Admittedly I'd take it differently if it was a Clinton who said "get rid of Donald ."

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"We're the best equipped nation to take this one!" We will be able to do this "once we get rid of Donald ."

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has proven that a winning message is to tell coal workers that they will KEEP their jobs. Even if that's a lie.

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: Raise the minimum wage, health care is a yuman right, transition from fossil fuels to fight "climate change"...

In other words, destroy the economy, health care, and energy sector.

: Now, Mr. , you can go back to watching Fox News!

Admittedly, this is actually pretty savage.

claims is trying to sow hate and division...despite the fact that he ran a far more uniting message than those on the side of the .

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Casey Rollins :verified: šŸ”µ's choices:

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