@realcaseyrollins @easthighNerd This is a good list. https://wowana.me/fediverse.xht
Although my servers aren't on it yet lol but still, this one makes sense to me.
@shebang @realcaseyrollins @easthighNerd gleasonator.com is also open. Pretty open, you can post whatever you want except porn I think.
Whoa! Brave browser can now show you web pages that no longer exist
From Discover on Google https://betanews.com/2020/02/25/brave-browser-can-show-web-pages-that-dont-exist/
Understanding Gab encryption
video (2 min)
Local reporters. Don't forget to scan other social outlets for breaking local news tips.
@pbpost@twitter.com @TEliaPBPost@twitter.com may want to check out this Nextdoor thread about a PBSO deputy that allegedly brandished a gun at someone that cut the line at a Costco gas station in Royal Palm Beach.
You can have your white women, fed. Don't worry.
You want all the credit for what you built but none of the blame for you letting it rot. You build powerful nations and institutions and weapons and let the wrong people get their hands on it. Whose fault is that? Whose fault is it that the whites let people trick them into thinking MArxism was sooo dope.
Look at Charloettesville and Berkeley. The police didn't help your people at all. Black folks warned you about the abuses. You probably looked at some crime stats and thought "oh it only happens because they get arrested more." Yea like millions and millons of black people somehow just invented a story about abuse. Right.
You done goofed, man. But hey, since you invented logic and science and shit, you should be glad your legacy is shining bright now since I'm using it.
Enjoy your sons being daughters, man. Yet another thing Africans didn't invent.
Trump Hires a College Student as Senior White House Aide https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/02/trump-hires-college-student-senior-white-house-aide.html?via=rss
The Twilight Zone review – a dire, half-hearted reboot
From Discover on Google https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/feb/25/the-twilight-zone-review-a-pointless-reboot-that-never-enters-the-fifth-dimension
Official non-alt-right molotov cocktail of the Fediverse.
Opposer of racism.
(I'm black, it's my job.)
(I'm also Christian, so that makes it my job even more.)
Fugitive of the rule of Andrew The Unstable and his cohort, Disco The Intern. #coomergate
I've been around these parts for awhile, using alt social media since April 2018 and joined the Fediverse on July 4, 2019.
Let the 2020s be the decade of positive vibes and supporting each other, bios!!
I also have a podcast now w/ Counter Points Media btw, sub here bois:
Matthew 22:37-39 is my mantra:
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
But Phillipians 4:4 is my favorite verse of all time:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Headspace indicators (inspired by @pizza):
🔵 = I'm in a good headspace
⚪ = Not doing great, but still ok
🔴 = Terrible headspace, feel free to ask me how I'm doing but no accusations or political or societal discussions pls or I'll rant lol