work in progress, father of teens, professional webmaster, designer-developer, lapsed blogger, fair trade entrepreneur + green politico, indie musician/technician
friends gave us tickets to the blue jays / royals game tonight at the skydome. ultra nosebleed sears (only two rows behind us) but still a surprisingly good view, and probably not as loud since we were above/behind the speaker arrays
the foundation appleTV series is surprisingly good! loved the books as a kid. it's been a while, so not sure how close it is to the source material, but it feels well-written, well-acted, and it's visually stunning.
TBT to when the very idea of ONLY A SINGLE MAPLE LEAF on the canadian flag was a front page shocker. (found this newspaper from 1964 stuffed in our old chimney flue)
milestone reached: son rans busted through his first snare head (whiplash-style). luckily we live around the corner from a music shop, so we were able to walk over and grab another (more minimalist?) remo powerstroke between snow squalls
hoping maybe the snapped display base can be repaired with epoxy? if that’s not strong enough i guess someone in california still sells these bases for ~$200 (woof)
work in progress, father of teens, professional webmaster, designer-developer, lapsed blogger, fair trade entrepreneur + green politico, indie musician/technician
former baby, future corpse
Joined Jun 2023
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