@corruptian well it was a junta in bangladesh, just not an extremely oppressive one (as long as you weren’t a journalist or socialist and had money for bribes you were prob ok). i was a kid during the student uprising that brought down gen. ershad, and i remember watching a street gun battle between political party supporters from the roof of our church building in chittagong. and a house across the street from ours was burned around the same time bc a naval officer connected to the gov lived there. it was a more relaxed time for us though since there was less chance of foreigners/christians being lynched (vs during iraq war just before)
and went into having just discovered him tonight via this youtube mini-doc on him. an unusual story! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB0mHcC-dxI
@corruptian you thought of sanders as close to communism? "we should be more like scandinavia in some ways" doesn't really count to me. he seems less authoritarian minded than trump or clinton from where i see it. (though i've never been under communist dictatorship, as a kid i did live in bangladesh during their pro-western military dictatorship and it was still much better than communist countries were at the time, i'd say.)
loving this tiny desk set by fred again.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iQmPv_dTI0
@corruptian i try not to say so too loudly since i don’t want to be that guy, but i bet bernie would’ve won against trump and ended up a super impactful and popular president
@corruptian to me it felt more like personality differences (and maybe campaign design differences) than real policy differences, but it’s been a while
@corruptian huh, clinton eh? i would’ve thought she’d be similar to him in terms of that
@corruptian yeah, that's the generous version of what i said... haha. i think there were other candidates who couldve claimed that too, but as you hinted at, he had also been VP for one of the most popular presidents ever.
@alan what data centres would these be?
@corruptian and i think he was squarely in the old school camp that the main groups of democratic party elites knew was safe for their interests, vs sanders or warren for example
@corruptian i think the US could do way better than biden (he was at/near the bottom of the candidate pool for me when he won the primaries), but this doesn’t seem like a promising upgrade
@gbwust @stylinstainless my wife asked this and 144F is 62.22C!
Today in This Seems Bad news...
This seems bad.
It is actually horrifying.
I honestly could only make it about half-way through the article because it's so horrific.
@khird also, i think i have been conflating plexiglass and fibreglass in my head
did y’all know plexiglass is just a brand name for acrylic? they’re the exact same thing? who knew my kids were painting with “plexiglass” this whole time.
former baby, future corpse