@Eggfreckles woof. that's a shame! wonder if you just got unlucky or if this is a widespread issue.
@Kancept we just use an old macbook hooked up to our TV with one of those logitech wireless keyboard/trackpad things, and honestly i dont think i'd want to go back to a purpose-made TV device.
@levisan hm. interesting way to set it up. i hadnt even touched the columns feature til i read this! not sure it'll be for me... i went through a short tweetdeck phase years ago, but in the end it was too frantic-feeling. and twitter now on desktop web is unusable for me without minimal twitter installed.
@levisan of course, if we'd had a gas stove i might've enjoyed the moka more — was always less than ideal using it on an electric burner.
@levisan huh! i used a bialetti moka express for quite a while, but found aeropress liberating once i got one. easier cleanup and being able to immediately brew again without waiting for it to cool down are the main things that won me over. and being able to approach different beans/grinds differently. love that you love yours though! and we already keep a kettle around, so that was not a difference-maker.
@levisan i think any speaker could make it happen with any topic. just have to let the intrusive thoughts get the better of you
@levisan i can see the advantages to doing that, but still don’t think it’d be great. this guy’s sermon didn’t actually have anything to do with socialism, seemed like he just shoehorned a couple minutes of fox news punditry into a random spot to get it off his chest
@levisan i have passed on churches because of the teaching tbh. last year we tried out one where the pastor went on a disconnected rant about the evils of “socialism” during his sermon, hah
@levisan oh tapas
@levisan hah i’m sure “millennial” will mean the same thing as boomer by then
Hamlet adaptation where Hamlet is a vlogger and all his soliloquies are breakdowns he uploads to YouTube
@levisan i will not in any foreseeable timeline be calling something “charfruiterie” though
@levisan i think of it as primarily meats but also including cheese, olives, pickles. but it is a slippery slope! pretty sooner or later a tray of mixed squares and cake-pops will get called “charcuterie” and that cannot stand!
@freemo when i was trying keto a while back i got fibre mainly with a mix of chia seeds, flax seeds, and psyllium husks that i’d put into smoothies… but didnt do much research into other options at the time. let me know what you find out!
@freemo for thickening and fibre, chia seeds could be a good addition! might even get *too* thick though if you prepare these far in advance.
@schizanon as a kei owner, glad to see this reversal! gotten pretty hard to insure them here in ontario, would t be surprised if they tried this here especially if it became standard in the states
@freemo ahh i can almost taste it from those descriptions! don’t think i’ve seen coconut cream on sale around here; i’ll have to look around and give this a go. now that i think about it, i still have a big bag of hemp hearts from when i used to eat them a lot, but have fallen out of the habit! almond milk sounds like a good flavour combo to pair with the hearts as a starting base anyway.
former baby, future corpse