I'm viewing toots from other instances with this account on several third party clients including Toot! (iOS), Tusky (Android) and Cuckoo+ (web). If there is actually a style quote (i.e. "QT: [link]") at the end of a toot, the quote part, which was manually typed as other instances have no quote feature, would disappear.

It only looks as expected when I use qoto.org (web client) or use an account of another instance on any client. The problem may be on the server-side of qoto.org.

Check m.cmx.im/@gadflysu/10395347706

cc @Rimekie @freemo @QOTO

Thats normal, quotes only render properly on servers and clients that support it. That means misskey servers, qoto, and sever mastodon instances only.

The standard is there but its up to servers to implement it. Luckily when it isnt rendered it still looks functional.
@Rimekie @QOTO

@freemo @Rimekie @QOTO Sorry to hear this. Not rendering is OK. I thought those clients that don't support it could at least display the quote link in plain text. They do display if I use the quote button on qoto.org to toot. But it's not easy for me to understand why a specific part ("QT: [**]") of the toot from another instance disappears instead, which can only be seen on QOTO (web client). Thank you for your reply. 😢

I may have misunderstood you.. the QT part with link should be visible as plain text still
@Rimekie @QOTO


@freemo @Rimekie @QOTO Maybe I didn't describe it clearly enough cause I rarely speak English. So is this a bug?

Β· Β· 1 Β· 0 Β· 0

Well based on the screenshot it seems some instances display the QT and link and others dont. So it appears to be a bug in those websites that dont display it but not with QOTO
@Rimekie @QOTO

@freemo @Rimekie @QOTO It's QOTO (on 3rd party clients) that did not display the QT part. Other instances (on any client) do display. Steps to reproduce:

1. Say "Some word... QT: [link]" on another instance, here's an example m.cmx.im/@gadflysu/10395347706
2. Use any client other than qoto.org (web), log in with your QOTO account.
3. Check the toot.

@sd @freemo @QOTO Wait, i tested the link on this toot with the instance i used on my last reply and found it disappeared as well.
So it may appears to be a bug of the mastodon itself. :blobmegasweats:

@sd @freemo @QOTO i double-tested on two clients (i.e. subway tooter and fedilab) afterwards and found this can be displayed perfectly on mastodon.social, bgme.me and m.cmx.im but not on moe.cat. Both of these two clients shows the same result. Is it the bug of that instance or something?


Its certainly not a bug on QOTO because it is just a plain test tag.. you can type it in manually to a toot and it works the same. There is no rendering from the QOTO side of any kind.

It is likely just how the client chooses to render it, some may be programmed to drop it all together, others display the actual quote, others dont recognize it as anything special and display it as-is (plain text)

Just a guess though, but considering how it works it seems unlikely to be related to QOTO

@sd @QOTO

@freemo @sd @QOTO Which is, it is more likely to be how is the clients programmed than the issue of these instances, isnt it?

@Rimekie @sd @QOTO Well I guess both, the client goes through your local instance to get the toot, So either your local instanceor the client could, in theory, drop the QT part.

@Rimekie @freemo @QOTO And view in qoto.org.

So I think the problem should not be how these clients process a toot. Clients may not matter (except qoto.org (web client)). πŸ˜₯


wait im confused, why does a screen shot of a post from cmx apply here? does CMX even have the quote toot feature?

@Rimekie @QOTO

@freemo @Rimekie @QOTO It doesn't have. Just typed QT manually as I said in the first toot.

@sd @Rimekie @QOTO

Ohh so you manually typed in the QT part on CMX and it wont view as a quote here, thats odd... perhaps you didnt do the format fo it right or something...

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